I find the new experience to be nothing more than a dumb'd down version of a once robust application, that could be tailored to fit the specific needs of a given organization. With the so-called "modern"(???) experience, it seems like MS is dictating how we work with SharePoint, by limiting, and flat out prohibiting, much of the customization's and features that are available in classic SP.
I don't understand why so much effort was put into ensuring that users no longer have control over their SP environment? Soooooo much has been removed, and replaced with "a ton of cool new web parts" like YouTube, the weather, a countdown timer, a world clock, Twitter, and Stream, that certainly are cool, but are more suited for a teenager's Facebook page, then in a business environment (I don't know how we ever survived without a countdown timer!).
All of these cool new web parts and features come a tremendous cost, and unfortunately, if you wish to continue to use SharePoint, it's a cost you cannot avoid.