Microsoft Stream is a powerful video platform that allows you to create, share, and view videos securely at work or school. What’s more, Stream powers the video experience across Microsoft 365, letting you add or view videos directly in the apps you use every day. With features such as sharing, captions, transcriptions, translations, chapters, search, and comments, and embedded forms Stream makes it easy to quickly convey or extract information from video.
There are many ways that organizations use Stream. For example, schools use Stream to share orientation information or for lecture capture, while businesses use it to create and share leadership updates, how-to videos, and onboarding videos. Your journey with video begins at the Stream start page where you can view, search, or create videos. However you use video in your organization, it’s always good to know some of the fundamental features that make working with video simple and productive. Here are six tips for using video at work or school:
Share videos with anyone
Whether you just created a video or viewed one on the Stream start page, you can share it with people both inside and outside your organization. To share internally, simply tap the share button, copy the link and drop it into an email or Teams chat. If your organization has external file sharing enabled, you can change your link type to “anyone with the link” and send the link to anyone. The sharing feature makes it easy to send videos or communicate on a personal level inside and outside of your organization.
Know what’s working with video analytics
Once you have created and shared a video you may want to understand how well it’s performing. Using video analytics you can see visitors over time, trends in views, and even which parts of the video are hot spots. Analytics can also show you which type of content performs best within your organization. To view analytics for videos you own, or have edit access to, open the video and select the Analytics tab in the right-hand pane. This feature helps you understand how your audience is engaging with your video content. Learn more.
Find video content with Microsoft Search
Finding a video within your organization is simple. Just go to, enter your terms in the top search bar, then select Videos in the refinement bar under the search bar. This will return all the video content in your organization that matches the search terms and that you have access to. You can also search on the Stream start page or anywhere else across Microsoft 365. This feature makes it easy to find and access the videos you need. Learn more.
Use chapters to help viewers navigate within videos
With Stream, you can add chapters to your videos to help viewers easily see a breakdown of the content in the video and navigate to the parts they want to view. Adding chapters to a video also helps your video to show up in search for the specific terms used in your chapter names. Chapters are simple and they help your viewers quickly get the information they need from your video. Learn more.
Create playlists to organize and share video collections
Creating video playlists at work has two significant benefits. First, it lets you organize video content into categories or groups making it easier for you and viewers to see related content in one place. Second, it increases the discoverability of the videos in the playlist. And just like you can with individual videos, you can share playlists or embed them into SharePoint pages. This feature helps you organize and share related video content. Learn more.
Add video content to your docs, files, chat and emails
Did you know that you can copy and paste a video in many of the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day, including: Teams, Loop, OneNote, PowerPoint, Word, Viva Engage, SharePoint, and Whiteboard? Just copy the link to the video and paste it into your file. It’s that simple. Additionally, you can send video messages to people directly using Teams video clip and soon you’ll be able to record video messages directly in Outlook while composing an email. These features put video into the flow of everyday work, allowing you to create and view video directly in the files and apps you’re working in.
These are just six of the many ways you can use video at work and school to improve your productivity and collaboration. Interested in creating your first video on Stream? Watch How to make a video using Microsoft Stream.
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Updated Jan 31, 2024
Version 2.0Paul_Diamond
Joined December 06, 2019
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