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Student Developer Blog

Announcing the 2016 Big Idea: Plan Winners!

StudentDeveloperTeam's avatar
Jan 09, 2019
First published on MSDN on Dec 07, 2015

After a lot of deliberation, evaluation and review, the judges have given us their decisions. It's time to announce the winners of the Big Idea: Plan Competition!

The 2016 Big Idea: Plan Winners are:

In the Games category, our winner is Monolight from Indonesia , for Monolight , their 2D illusion based puzzle adventure game!

In the Innovation category, the winner is TrollBusters from Slovakia , for their project moderateIT , an automated moderation tool that can detect inappropriate conversations online.

In the World Citizenship category, Team Bridge from Brazil takes the prize for their Project Bridge , a series of games adapted to help children with Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Down Syndrome through physiotherapy.

Congratulations to all three winning teams, who will each receive the $3000 prize. And congratulations to our honorable mention teams, each of whom also submitted an excellent Plan, and will receive a certificate of achievement for their efforts!

In the Games category, our Honorable Mention teams are:

In the Innovation category, our Honorable Mention teams are:

In the World Citizenship category, our Honorable Mention teams are:

Judging for Big Idea: Design has already started, and we hope to see some of the same names in those awards!

Now that the Big Idea contests have closed, you should start gearing up to submit your project to the 2016 Imagine Cup Global Competition! If you haven't already, register now for the Imagine Cup category in which you would like to participate. Countries around the world are setting up their National Finals as you read this, so please keep an eye on the National and Online Finals page as well as your Dashboard for more details on how and when to submit your project. The competition is heating up with the 2016 Imagine Cup and we can't wait to see what you all have in store for us!
Updated Jan 09, 2019
Version 2.0
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