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SCOM MP for M365 - V3 (now GA)

AakashMSFT's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 09, 2022

Update on July 20, 2022

CTP is now GA.

  • No changes for users who have installed CTP in their environment.
  • Users on V1/V2, follow instructions highlighted in MP guide to update.


We are back with the latest version of M365 MP and have very exciting changes to talk about.


With this update, Users can now opt between their choice of MP Authentication i.e., Application (which is available currently), Delegated or Certificate. Monitoring requirement for Microsoft Teams is ever growing, so we have added a synthetic transaction for Teams chat and are replacing Skype NAT (Network Assessment Tool) with Teams NAT. Lastly, SCOM Management servers & Gateways can be used as Watcher nodes. To keep it short, below is a list of updates that we are bringing in with V3.


Keep your feedback flowing in at SCOM Ideas and do not forget to upvote your favorite SCOM ideas.
Download M365 MP V3 version.


  1. Allow client secret, delegated or certificate authentication

  2. Support Teams Network Assessment tool

  3. SKU license warning and critical thresholds are now defined as specific numbers rather than percentages and are defined on a per-SKU basis rather than one value applying equally to all SKUs

  4. Office response time performance collection rule can now test against TCP ports (for example, HTTPS or port 443)

  5. Fixes to several bugs with Service Health alerts reported by users

  6. Add Teams Chat to Teams synthetic transaction (delegated authentication only)

  7. Allow management servers and gateways to be used as watcher nodes

  8. Added monitor for certificates used in watcher node subscriptions

  9. Direct (HTTPS) link to Microsoft 365 Service Incident from Alert context

Updated Jul 20, 2022
Version 2.0
  • Steve_Cahill's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I just upgraded to SCOM 2022, which has now broken this MP for me.  The watchers all alert with various Events stating the following:

    ERROR. Message: System.Exception: Unable to acquire authorization token. Possible connectivity issue.


    Waiting for access token to be returned without a timeout.


    The M365 Connection State monitor also fails with:
    Error: Exception (1): Unable to acquire authorization token. Possible connectivity issue. Exception: Request to the endpoint timed out. Exception (2): Request to the endpoint timed out. Exception (3): A task was canceled.


    I tried all of the following but none of this hasn't made any difference:

    • re-entered Client Secret
    • rebooted Management Server
    • rebooted watchers
    • upgraded clients to SCOM 2022
    • downgraded clients back to SCOM 2019 UR3
    • As per new v3 documentation (new details) modified Redirect URI to https://localhost 
    • As per new v3 documentation (new details) modified Allow public client flows 
    • Created a new Client Secret and changed the Subscription to use it (this seemed to be limited to 2 years now versus the existing which is not limited in end date)

    I'm out of ideas now, short of deleting the entire App registration and creating it again, which I would rather not if possible!


    Please help!


    UPDATE:  the respective Management Server and agent config files had been overwritten - updated them and restarted services and all working now!

  • Steve_Cahill's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Testing against our DEV tenancy, the Licensing part seems to have a slight bug in it.  We only have 10 licenses for SPE_E5 which only has 2 licenses free but this is what happens:


    Critical: 1 Warning: 2 = NO alerts!  Watcher wizard Remaining does not change colour at all

    Critical: 2 Warning: 3 = alerts as Warning instead of Critical. Watcher wizard Remaining goes yellow, yet should be red as 2 is the Critical threshold


    05/08/2022 - UPDATE - as there has not been any feedback about this, I am reluctant to transition v3 into our Production environment with this (one of two that I commented on) issue still not addressed.  I could raise a Microsoft Support case but I don't know if this new version has a bug and typically before it goes live, I would have hoped this would be addressed.
    Does anyone have anything to add or anyone else see this behaviour?  Thanks


    26/08/2022 - UPDATE - still no feedback about this so logged Microsoft Support case today.

  • joannis2010's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Dear Aakash

    First of all I would like to thank you for this great 3 versions of the M365 Management Pack  V1,V2,V3 cool. In such a short time. 


    The last few days I've been trying to get the V3 CTP MP fully up and running, but i get a similar errors on the performance Monitor for Teams, SharePoint and Mailbox Count 

    Unable to determine Microsoft 365 mailbox count. Reason: ERROR - Unable to get mailbox report data. State: Critical. Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at


    System.Exception: ERROR: Unable to download document from Teams (Team: 'M365COMMP'; Channel: 'General'). State: Critical. Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at


    System.Exception: ERROR: Unable to download document from Teams (Team: 'M365COMMP'; Channel: 'General'). State: Critical. Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at


    I did not have this experience in versions V1, V2.


    I use Secret Authentication and i set the API permission as documented. 

    Any hint where i can search for the error. 

    Thank you !



  • aurbjo1's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Say I would like to add about 250 tenants/subscriptions and watcher nodes, would it be possible to automate this with Powershell and/or the Operations Manager SDK?


    Or even better, let SCOM hook up to my organization's CSP tenant and use the CSP API to monitor all our customers.


    Do you have any thoughts about this?