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Create custom Perfmon counters and update them using PowerShell

Microsoft_Testing_Team's avatar
Iron Contributor
Mar 13, 2019
First published on MSDN on Jun 14, 2017

Authored by Edwin Hernandez

Adding Perfmon counters to a Visual Studio load test is useful to monitor remote host’s metrics such a as usage of Processor, Memory or Local Disks. These metrics can be added to a graph and overlay against Load Test metrics such as throughput or response times for analysis.

In certain cases there are metrics that you wish you could visualize in a Load Test Graph as a counter. These are metrics that are not necessarily related to resource utilization. Below are some examples of this situation:
- Imagine that there is a back-end Batch process, such as a .exe program processing reports, estimates or invoices, and that   such program is logging information of interest for performance testing, such as # of items being processed ,avg. elapsed time per item , # of errors, etc. It would be useful to overlay that information against e.g. CPU utilization?
- Another example, a separate test exercising another feature of the same system, such as a UI test, or an automated functional test of a Desktop application and you want to include the timing results in the Load Test Charts. If the test is producing any logs, these logs can be integrated into a Load Test Graph.
- Yet another example: perhaps it would be helpful to monitor the size of a folder (not the whole disk) or the number of items in a folder path so it can visualized it in a Chart.

For all the situations above, if the information that is needed is being logged into a log (.txt, .csv., etc.), this article describes a way to create a custom Perfmon counter and feed it with information from the log using a PowerShell script. Once it's published it can added to a Load Test Chart and do analysis of it.
To draw a better picture of all this, please image the following example: let's assume a Load Test is being planned and there is some statistical information being logged into a .log file named WikieStats.csv that you want to include in your Load Test Charts. To simulate this, a program was created that pulls statistical information from Wikipedia, it then writes it to a log file every 2 seconds:

Now, to create the custom Perfmon counters: one of the easiest ways is described in this article by Michael Repperger: article. Using Michael’s approach and the import-csv cmdlet, the information can be consumed from the log and updated to the custom Perfmon counters, every 2 seconds with a PowerShell script:

$categoryName = “WikiStats”
$categoryHelp = “Statistics from Wikipedia”
$categoryType = [System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType]::MultiInstance
$categoryExists = [System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory]::Exists($categoryName)

If (-Not $categoryExists)
$objCCDC = New-Object System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection
$objCCD1 = New-Object System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData
$objCCD1.CounterName = “WikiStats”
$objCCD1.CounterType = “NumberOfItems32”
$objCCD1.CounterHelp = “Statistics from Wikipedia”
$objCCDC.Add($objCCD1) | Out-Null
[System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory]::Create($categoryName, $categoryHelp, $categoryType, $objCCDC)|Out-Null

$perfInst1a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Pages”, $false)
$perfInst2a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Articles”, $false)
$perfInst3a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Edits”, $false)
$perfInst4a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Images”, $false)
$perfInst5a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Users”, $false)
$perfInst6a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Active Users”, $false)
$perfInst7a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStats”, “Admins”, $false)
$perfInst8a = New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter($categoryName, “WikiStatss”, “Jobs”, $false)

for ($i = 1; $i -lt 100000; $i++){
$timings = import-csv “C:\temp\PS1Example\wikiStats.csv”
$perfInst1a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].'Pages' -as[int]
$perfInst2a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Articles' -as[int]
$perfInst3a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Edits' -as[int]
$perfInst4a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Images' -as[int]
$perfInst5a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Users' -as[int]
$perfInst6a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Active Users' -as[int]
$perfInst7a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Admins' -as[int]
$perfInst8a.RawValue = $timings[$timings.Length-1].’Jobs' -as[int]

#Start-Sleep -s 2


The PowerShell program has to be running during the Load Test for the counters to update. Once it is setup it can be simply added to the customer Counters in a "Counter Set" in Visual Studio and once the Load Test is running, these metrics would be collected and could be used for analysis.

Here is how it would look:

In the zip file attached to this article you can find the following: 1. PowerShell script, 2. the Load Test Solution with the custom Perfmon counters as a reference, this solution also included a Coded Webtest that is pulling the statistical information from Wikipedia. 3. The sample wikiStatis.csv mentioned above.

Updated Mar 13, 2019
Version 2.0
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