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February lookback—multiple account support on Windows, and more

Polly Davidson's avatar
Mar 07, 2019

From multi-account support to file attachments, last month we finessed a few of our favorite new features—it’s time for the February lookback! 


Multiple account support on Windows 

Multi-account support comes to Windows

Not only can you switch accounts on Android, you can now do it on Windows too! So, now you can be certain that you’ll never accidentally add a home task to that shared list with your boss. “Where’s account switching on iOS?”, we hear you cry. Don’t worry, we're working on getting it into your hands sometime soon. 



Searching for files on Windows and Android 


Search for your files on Android and Windows

Have you tried attaching files to your tasks yet? If so, then you’ll be pleased to hear that they’ll also show up in search on Windows and Android. This will also be coming to the other platforms in the future. 



Emojify your listsEmojify your lists

If your lists aren’t looking as colorful as the picture above, then it’s probably about time you emojified them. This month Windows added a few more emoji options to add some 🔥🎉to your lists, and, just in time for Valentine’s—a little sprinkle of ❤️. Can’t find the perfect emoji from the options? Open up the emoji keyboard (On Windows—Windows + .) and put an emoji at the front of your list name to see the ⚡️✨happen. 


New languages on iOS 

We’re very happy to be able to bring even more languages to our iOS app. We now support Catalan, Czech, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, and Ukrainian.  


Now, it’s over to you 

Love was in the air, and we had some great articles and videos about us this month, along with a lovely illustration and a love poem... what more could we ask for? 


Take a To-Do tour with Francesco D’Alessio 

How to use Microsoft Flow to add due dates based on email importance by Vivek Bavishi 

How To-Do is integrating with more and more of the Microsoft ecosystem by Mary Branscombe

Finally, we’d like to hear from you. What else would you add to this list by Luise Freese? 


15 reasons to fall in love with Microsoft To-Do by Luise FreeseMissed all the exciting features we brought out in January? Check them out here. Tell us what you think of all the new updates in the comments below or over on Twitter and Facebook 

Oh, and psst... we let you into a little secret this month—see which instrument we used to make that oh-so-satisfying ding. 

Updated Mar 11, 2019
Version 6.0
  • severt's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Has there been any progress on multiple accounts for iOS?  I would love to see this feature added. 

  • finn_h's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    when will multiple accounts come to IOS? nearly a year since it came to Android and 7 months since Windows. Really need it on IOS for ToDo to become the go-to tool in my setup.

  • RayVra's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Speaking of search functionality, there is a lot that is still NEEDED:


    FILTERS: (1) To distinguish Tasks (completed vs uncompleted); (2) To distinguish between Tasks, Steps, & Notes


    Simple SORTING: (1) newest vs oldest ; (2) Priority 


    Easy Searching: Keep last 5+ search strings to eliminate the need to enter "just entered" text.


    There's work to be done...



  • RayVra's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    It's great that you can search file names for the recently added feature to add files & photos, BUT Lists were introduced a LONG time ago and you still canNOT search for text in List names. That is a huge oversight!

