Hello, I was finally forced to upgrade from Entourage 2008 for Mac to Microsoft 365. I really miss Microsoft Office Reminders, which I still think was the best reminder tool ever made. It listed tasks when you asked to be reminded of them, and they didn't disappear until you marked them done. It did not let me forget any of the many due dates I deal with.
I've been trying to figure out how I can get the same functionality in To Do. I was hopeful about the My Day view. However, it seems to include only tasks whose due date is exactly today. I set up reminder dates for all my tasks because some tasks need a longer "heads up" time than others. Can My Day also include tasks whose reminder date is today or past?
And to my dismay, past due tasks don't show up in My Day (unless there's a way to include them that I've missed). That doesn't make sense to me, I want a reminder tool to keep me from forgetting about something. As far as I can see, I have to check a separate view for past due tasks.
I suggest your To Do development team take a look at the old Microsoft Office Reminders from Entourage 2008.