In my personal experience of using To Do on web and Android app for 1,5 years: i sometimes get bad sync. On web a few tasks might be in a wrong list (Tasks vs custom list), but never task missing or due dates or reminders missing or not firing off. But for alarms i speak only about desktop Outlook showing them. I don't rely on web version's internal alarms or on a mobile app. Usually i need reminders only when i am on my work laptop, so Outlook is enough. I don't use tasks in Outlook at all. Haven't yet tried Windows 10 app. And i want to give it a try as web version for maybe 9 months now has a bug with truncating steps text when switching between lists. And also dragging tasks and steps in web version is very annoying. Other than that it works fine for me. I'm not sharing tasks, just use it for my personal work planning.