Today, Microsoft Viva unveiled a new service designed to help people find solutions and save time. Answers in Microsoft Viva connects employees to the answers they need by crowdsourcing knowledge from across the organization. Answers is a conversational experience for asking questions and connecting to experts for answers. Natural language processing helps match those questions with any existing answers, and the experience rewards experts who contribute back to the knowledge base. Answers works across the suite to connect employees based on their subject matter expertise captured in Viva Topics, to get their questions answered, connect with new experts, and increase their learning. Initially it will come to Viva Engage and then to Topic Pages in early 2023.
Answers within Viva Engage
A new Answers tab in Viva Engage will serve as a hub for employees to ask questions, find solutions, discover knowledge, and help coworkers. The Answers tab will be available within Engage to Viva Suite customers.
Answers in Viva brings knowledge to you across Viva Engage web, client, and mobile experiences.
Answers helps organize questions and solutions by connecting to existing knowledge and experts.
A look at the Answers hub in Viva Engage
Users can ask questions, see recommendations, and contribute their own answers to open questions.
Add a Topic to see recommended similar questions
Users can also follow individual topics and get notifications when new questions are available. Targeted feeds and rewards help encourage experts to share their knowledge and help coworkers.
Get rewarded for participating and answering questions
And analytics provide a view into both individual contributions to the organizational knowledge base and the value of the overall solution to the organization.
Watch this Microsoft Mechanics video for a demo on how Answers shows up in Viva Engage.
Answers within Viva Topics
How many times have you faced a question but were unsure who to ask? Viva Topics can help. Since Viva Topics already lists suggested experts for a given subject, it's a natural place to connect questions with experts who can answer them. In time, Answers will come to Topic Pages.
More resources
In case you missed it, watch the Empowering Your Workforce in Economic Uncertainty event and hear from Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, Ryan Roslansky, CEO of LinkedIn, and Jared Spataro, Microsoft's CVP of Modern Work, for urgent insights every leader needs to know in a rapidly changing economic environment. To learn more about other Microsoft Viva innovations announced today, read the Microsoft 365 blog by Seth Patton, check out the Microsoft Viva website, and explore the Viva Innovation Brochure.
Stay tuned as we’ll have more to share about Microsoft Viva soon!
Updated Jan 04, 2023
Version 3.0Chris McNulty
Joined June 24, 2016
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