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Tech Community Blog

Advance notice of essential maintenance for the Microsoft Tech Community

Allen's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Jun 29, 2023

We wanted to let you know that during the weekend of 1st/2nd July 2023, the Microsoft Tech Community will be unavailable between the following times:


Time zone





Saturday 07/01/23

11:00 am

Saturday 07/01/23

2:00 pm

Sunday 01/07/23

6:00 pm


Saturday 07/01/23

09:00 am

Sunday 07/02/23

12:00 am

Sunday 01/07/23

4:00 am


We have chosen these times to reduce disruption, impact on all users and to minimize the downtime as far as possible.


This essential maintenance window will allow us to consolidate some of the recent community moves and migrations that have occurred and to help ensure the successful completion of that work we decided to take one longer maintenance period rather than a series of smaller maintenance windows, which may be more disruptive in the long run.


We will, of course, end the maintenance window as soon as the work is complete, so please watch our twitter @MSTCommunity for updates.


We would like to thank you for your patience while this essential work is completed. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out.


Allen Smith

Technical Lead

Microsoft Tech Community


Updated Jun 29, 2023
Version 1.0