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Tech Community Blog

Announcing Tech Community AI Language Translation Beta

Allen's avatar
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Apr 09, 2019

We released our new AI-powered language localization beta, which will enable members to translate all conversation spaces and blogs on the community into six languages including English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Simplified Chinese (see FAQs). Content in conversation spaces and  blogs will be automatically translated to the reader’s preferred language and displayed in thread.


We have also begun working on localizing the core components of the community UI, and while this work is not yet complete, we wanted to highlight what we have completed thus far. If you spot any translation issues, please report them in our Community Ideas board and make sure you choose the appropriate labels to help us prioritize your feedback.


Note: When you’re viewing the community after having it translated and see elements in English, that means that content has not yet been translated and we do not need an idea submitted for these.


We hope you like this new feature and all that remains is to welcome our new users.

Welcome Message

Updated Apr 15, 2019
Version 7.0
  • Hi All,

    i would like to ask to a question for replacing the data each other. i am working two system report invoices and have a problem single item issue ( may be two ). first is main data and second is invoice data. attache file will show you easily what i want. highlighted items are to be replaced each other. main data set is perfect data and invoice data will be matched it.


    i am using formula in K2, but did not get desired result.


    i would like to upload file, can anyone tell me where is the option?
