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Tech Community Blog

Community Update - April 29th, 2019

Allen's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Apr 29, 2019

Hi all,


We just launched the latest update to the Microsoft Tech Community, and we wanted to share with you some details about what's changed & what we fixed. 


First, some of these changes (^) went live last week, to help us prepare the community for the upcoming Microsoft Build event 


What is new?


  • ^Microsoft Build has been added to the Events Menu.
  • ^The post event learning event for Microsoft Ignite 2018 moved from the Microsoft Tech Academy to the new Microsoft Learn platform. So, we changed the link in the menu accordingly.
    • More content is to follow on Microsoft Learn.
  • We have started to test a new RSS feed on our blogs, see:


This new RSS feed has been designed to deliver on feedback from Community, specifically:

  • To make RSS more visible in our UI (Previously it’s under the Message Options drop down at the top right of a blog)
  • To allow users to filter the content they see by label in the rss feed, previously the only option was to view the whole blog, which, as we continue to consolidate previous blogs on to the Tech Community from MSDN & TechNet, was allot of added noise
  • Its is also possible to control how many article your reader loads at once by changing the last variable in the url, see:


We are aware that some RSS readers will not load the above URL but so far this seems to be readers that are looking for a URL ending .rss. 


Please note: To be able to use an RSS feed from a private community you will need to have a rss reader which either supports login or shares your authentication cookie with your browser. 


What have we fixed?

  • We had an issue with some blogs which was preventing all the labels in use in that blog from showing up in the filter drop down.
  • We have fixed an issue that was causing long blog titles to push the blog teaser off the card while viewing all articles in a given blog.


Updated Apr 30, 2019
Version 4.0