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Tech Community Blog

Community Update : What's New

Allen's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Oct 22, 2018

Hi all,


It has been a busy few months here at Microsoft Tech Community HQ with allot of work going on to support new features and functions as well as Microsoft Ignite & the upcoming Microsoft Ignite | The Tour. 


What has changed since my last update?


  • We have rolled out a new WYSIWG editor for the Community Event submission and Speaker profile creation pages
  • We added the ability to share deep links to our spaces with filters pre-set
  • Added Blogs and KBs to the Latest activity feeds
  • You can now @ mention a user when looking at the conversation space without having to click down into the thread
  • We have added a filter to the Communities tab to make it easier to find the community you want to join or view
  • It’s now possible to identify speakers with identical names when selecting them while creating or editing your community events.
  • We have also made several other changes to support our teams in running their communities better.


What Bugs have we fixed?

  • Fixed some contextualized language usage in the user profile page
  • Long text strings were spilling out of the homepage feed
  • We broke the filters on user profiles briefly
  • Other minor bugs or issues affecting specific users or group of users. 

What have we got in the pipeline?


  • We are working on a new space for Microsoft Ignite | The Tour and will share this shortly, this will replace the Microsoft Tech Summit space from last year.
  • We have been listening to members who use the community events area and we are going to make it possible to identify Microsoft 1st Party events from the Community Events.
  • Working with our partner to implement some updates to the editor, specifically:
    • First up, we are looking to add some new styling functions to the editor to allow you to get your post looking just right!
    • We are planning to join a new beta with our vendor to trial an updated version of the editor which will allow you to do things like copy and paste images into the editor directly without uploading them first.
  • Some of the blogs you know and love from TechNet / MSDN are moving into the Tech Community and we will share more information as these migrations occur.
  • We have been looking into options to support non-English-speaking members and hope to have more information to share on this soon.
  • To make @ mentions even easier for community users we are going to start to implement a requirement that all new users must choose a unique username in the next few weeks. This will seek to directly address the fact that when you @ mention a user at the moment it can be hard to know which user you are mentioning if lots of users have the same name.

We have lots of other ideas and things we want to make better for you but we love to hear your ideas as well, please do share them with us in the Community Ideas board. If you have not already, head on over and let us know what you want to see and help us drive our priorities.


Lastly, let me introduce Koby, my new Springer Spaniel Puppy, he is 14 weeks old and is looking forward to his contributions to the Microsoft Tech Community!

Updated Dec 16, 2018
Version 3.0
  • I like that I can catch up on the last few blogs for some of my products of interest, if they're not listed at the top.

  • Allen's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager



    Thanks for the feedback however the lower 'all blogs' section is limited in the number of blogs it can support, in-fact its currently at the maximum we can support at the moment.


    We have also found that very few users use it, what is it you like about it, maybe we can consider adding that somewhere else?

  • The removal of the lower All Blogs section is not an improvement, IMHO. But, thanks for pointing out the scrolling list on the right.

  • Allen's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager



    If you mean the "All blogs" at the bottom of that page, don't worry that will be removed shortly.


    SharePoint blog is in the "All Blogs" on the right hand side. Indeed there are two - SharePoint Support Blog and Microsoft SharePoint Blog