Hi all,
I am so excited to share with you some of the changes we have made this week.
What is new?
- We have added filters, similar to the ones on the homepage, to each of the categories.
Filters on the Microsoft Access Category
- When you hover over your own picture in posts you will see a hover card based on the hover card you see for other users.
Own Profile Hover Card
- On your profile page, it’s now possible to see all of your own replies that have been marked as best solution. (Currently called My Accepted Solutions, this will be renamed shortly to 'My Best Solutions')
Ny Accepted Solutions (My Best Solutions)
- We changed how labels on blogs are sorted, these are now sorted alphabetically
What is fixed?
- We have been continuing our efforts to speed up the load time for the filters on the homepage. The page and the filters now load on average 5 times faster than they did at the end of 2017.
- Fixed background color of image alignment buttons when posting an Image.
- Some Microsoft Edge users were having some problems sending a private message from the profile page - this has now been fixed.
Please do keep sharing your feedback with us via the Community Ideas board
Updated Feb 20, 2018
Version 2.0Allen
Community Manager
Joined September 09, 2016
Tech Community Blog
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