We’re excited to announce that the Microsoft Tech Community has now surpassed 100,000 community members. To celebrate, we’ve awarded our first 100,000 community members our 100K Milestone Badge. Thank you all for your contributions and for making the Tech Community such an amazing place to connect and learn.
Since our launch just over a year ago, we’ve continued to see amazing growth in the community. Our team has enjoyed meeting community members at Microsoft Ignite and Tech Summits. We're continuously working to bring value to the community, so in the last year we've added Community Events, Tech Academy, and Microsoft Ignite and Tech Summit content to the community. In the future, our team is looking forward to making the Microsoft Tech Community even stronger with great content and more ways to connect and get involved. We appreciate you for being a part of our journey!
To celebrate this milestone, we’re awarding an additional badge to those who play the game below and comment on this blog! Comment with your high score, tag your friends to challenge them, or share what you love about the Microsoft Tech Community to earn this badge. Make sure to comment by 12pm PST on Friday, December 8th, 2017 to receive the badge.
*A Space Invaders HTML5 Porting by arcadeJHS. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 - Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Thank you for making the Microsoft Tech Community a great place to be!
Updated Dec 04, 2017
Version 1.0AnnaChu
Joined May 13, 2016
Tech Community Blog
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