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MTC Weekly Roundup - February 24

Cecilia_Bergstedt's avatar
Feb 25, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone! Although it was a short week for the MTC Team, it was a *packed* one, so let’s dive in and recap what’s been going on!

MTC Moments of the Week


This week, our MTC Member of the Week spotlight is on FikturFox! Victor is a new member of the MTC, but they’re wasting no time in jumping into the excel forum to help other MTC’ers. Welcome, Victor!


Over in events, we had a full load this week, so I want to first give a shoutout to our amazing Community Managers for moderating: Trevor Rusher, Heather Poulsen, Eric Starker, and Emily Perina! 🙂


First up on Tuesday, we had a Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps AMA to answer questions about Defender’s SaaS capabilities and SaaS Security as a whole. The panel featured a host of amazing experts from the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps product and engineering teams, including WendyLiu, Dan Michelson, Maayan Bar-Niv, Caroline Lee, Yoann David Mallet, Sharon Nakibly, and Leor Hurwitz. If you missed the chance to ask your questions, stay tuned for the next AMA on the SCI Tech Community Event Space.


Then, we had a Wednesday double-feature! We started the day with a Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop for Government AMA, which featured a text-based Q&A as well as a live stream crew chatting about when, why, and how to configure Windows 365 or Azure Virtual Desktop for the public sector. Shoutout to our experts on and off camera who helped answer questions during this session, including Steve Downs, Roy Barton, Christian_Montoya, Nyler_Gaskins, PhilWest, JJGuirola, and Robert Nishi.


Immediately following that, we had an AMA about Azure Load Testing, which became generally available earlier this month. We had members of the product and engineering teams on hand to listen to feedback and answer questions about getting started with the Azure Load Testing service, including Nagarjuna_V, abhishekranjan1219, Nikita_Nallamothu, Nitin_Joy, krisnaray, prativen, and Purva Baradia. If you’re looking for more info, you can find a collection of resources regarding the ALT service here: 


And last but not least, we had an AMA on Thursday with the Microsoft Viva Engage team to answer questions from the community about Yammer’s “Engagement” news. We had a very lively discussion with our expert panel consisting of MichaelHolste, espnguyen, jamestyer, Jason Mayans, Dan Holme, and others. Keep your eyes peeled for more Viva Engage news and head over to the Viva Community Discussion Space for any questions that weren’t answered during the AMA!


Unanswered Questions - Can you help them out?


Every week, users come to the MTC seeking guidance or technical support for their Microsoft solutions, and we want to help highlight a few of these each week in the hopes of getting these questions answered by our amazing community!


In the Security, Compliance, and Identity forum, nicheem is looking for recommendations to fix a logging insights issue with Virtual Machine scale sets.


Meanwhile, over in the Bookings forum, Kevin_Anema is asking for guidance on how to enable a calendar admin to create bookings for users in different time zones.



Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars!






For this week’s fun fact…


In honor of National Trading Card Day - Did you know that what is considered the rarest Pokemon card is a Pikachu? It’s believed that there are fewer than 20 of these holographic Illustrator Pikachu’s in existence, and one was most recently valued up to 6 million USD! I’m still trying to find my old Pokémon cards at my parents’ house (too bad I don’t have one of these Pika’s!)…


Anyways, have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Updated Feb 25, 2023
Version 3.0
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