Justin_Ong great meetup!
Dux Raymond Sy said something during the meetup that I was hoping to touch on during the meetup but my other call hogged my mic.
He mentioned how he doesn't believe in there being a "work life" and "home life" existing entirely separate from one another and I couldn't agree more. I think a lot of the disdain people feel towards "the grind" is because they're trying to force this segregation. Work isn't just a natural part of their days, it's an 8 hour task or meeting which is interfering or sitting on top of their "normal" day.
I know it's cliche when folks suggest "finding something you love" for work but I think it's more appropriate to find something you tolerate and then make it something you love. Computers, licensing, listening to management and users complain, etc.. these aren't things anybody truly "loves" or grows up wishing to achieve. These are things we, in tech, tolerate and either learn to love or learn to hate.
Part of that learning to love is finding others in your shoes. Communities like this and others are a fantastic gateway to learning to love your life in tech more. I spend the best hours of Monday through Friday working, I don't think it'd be fair to myself if I spent all of those hours hating what I do or completely barring it off of my normal non-work life. Working in technology is just a part of who I am, home or not. Communities give me a space and outlet to network with others and grow.
Lastly - the community is lucky to have Justin. He did great things over at Spiceworks and left some impossibly big shoes (probably Jordan's) to fill.