Since the latest version of Windows Admin Center (2410), the AccessKey is implemented.
Despite the fact that it is a nice feature that enforce the security, we aren’t able anymore to automate powershell scripts to populate the WAC.
The AccessKey expire in time, and is mandatory to execute WAC Powershell Import command provided by Microsoft.
We have a PS script used to populate the WAC, executing each day by a gMSA account as a schedule task.
It would be great if MS could provide a PS command to retrieve the AccessKey by Powershell, in that case it could be possible to automate the script again I guess.
Or provide another workaround, maybe without the AccessKey as it was the case with previous version.
The new import command is:
Import-WACConnection -Endpoint $WACHostname -FileName $PathCSVFile -Prune -Accesskey $AccessKey -Credentials (Get-Credential)
The old import command is:
Import-Connection $WACHostname -fileName $PathCSVFile -prune
Also, for your info, the documentation online is not yet up to date with latest PS commands, I had to found them in the PS module itself.
Case ID: 2501080050000385