Thanks for providing this! Looks brilliant, and has worked well for a few of our test users, weirdly though it isn't working for one of them. As far as we can tell he has the appropriate group policy (both the original UNC based xml's and the cloud site list are applied via GPO on regular domain joined machines) winning (and present in registry on his machine) the same as his colleagues. Edge://policy shows the new InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList policy is applied. However Edge://compat shows the existing/old solution of using our internal UNC based .xml's for Site List, and in my testing it was not necessary to ensure the above policy applied later in precedence in GPOs.
Are there any troubleshooting guides for scenarios such as above available? Any eventlogs/logs that could be checked and so on? Are there any specific permissions required to access the list? There must be some sort of authentication/authorization happening as punching in this URL in the browser:<our-site-list-ID>
results in the same error on both the working and broken machines:
{"error":{"code":"Unauthorized","message":"You did not provide a credential or correct credentials."}}