It has been a busy year since I posted my reply. But this was a year of realization that the only OS should be used on user desktops is General Availability Channel (the one that replaced the previous “Semi-Annual Channel”). Windows Update for Business should be enabled, to install patches Tuesday when they released. And when new build is release, deploy it automatically, and enjoy life. All those stories about broken applications are only fairytales for those who does not know how things works. Of course there are few things to keep in mind, for example the fact taht IE11 will turn into pumpkin in 6 months, but hey - if you still have Application that only works in IE11 today then you've gone too far, and you have 6 months to fix it. Or better fix it right away. And if somebody telling you stories about IE11 requirements - just ditch them! Send them "Good bye" letter and switch to the right Apps! But there is more - it's time to move to Windows 11. It is the same thing just much faster, much better, and much more secure of course! Time to put Windows 10 in grave and start enjoying life with Windows 11!