Hey, Microsoft! You guys have it exactly backwards! Every Windows user is sick and tired to death of constant rolling changes, upgrades (*), new Windows versions, etc. Sure, that's "the experience we expect," but only in the sense that, say, farmers, know enough to expect a drought, a flood, or a plague of locusts, every so often -- but would be a whole eff-of-a-lot happier without them! "No changes in features and capabilities" should be the default, and "constant rolling upgrades and fixes" should be what you have to pay extra for -- not the other way around! Oh, but then we wouldn't be supported? Guess what, the last time I phoned Microsoft support was sometime circa 1999, and they couldn't answer my question, and I've never ever found myself in deep enough doo-doo to need to resort to you guys ever again. Indeed, I myself have often ended up in the position of giving support to other people.
At this point, though, it doesn't really matter. I, and a gratifyingly large proportion of people I've talked to, are feeling so completely-and-utterly betrayed by the announcement of Windows 11, that we have collectively vowed never to use it, or any later version of Windows you may come out with thereafter. There are alternatives -- better alternatives! -- even if we end up having to write them ourselves. With any luck, Microsoft, you've finally screwed yourself into a corner. I hope you get what's coming to you: user abandonment en masse, total collapse, and embarrassing bankruptcy. May that then spread, too, to your equally guilty croni-- er, business associates. See you in World Court; I have a pretty good case that you're also guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
(* - I use the term "upgrades" very loosely, and mostly ironically, because every "upgrade" I've ever received, from Microsoft or any other vendor who believes in that concept, has been much more in the nature of a downgrade -- useful features removed, useless fluff added, general dumbing-down. You have a lot of gall in your terminology; you're just lucky so many people are so stupid, and I'm just lucky I'm not.)