Even on SSD, all monthly w10 updates takes a lot of time. It seems each month updates includes ALL the updates until then. Just check useless leftover c:\Windows\servicing\LCU folder which grows at a rate of 100k files/folders (around 1 Gb) each month which is not recovered by DiskCleanup...
Many users claimed here that upgrades are seamless. I can assure that there will ALWAYS be problematic cases (worst of them where machine won't boot anymore), I can tell because my job is fixing those problems.
The other problem is the HUGE amount of LOGs Windows is constantly updating plus a huge quantity of scheduled tasks, most of them sending statistics of all activities to MS and other vendors. All of that reduces SSD life where writes degrade drive.
In Win7 disabling EventLog will ruin TaskScheduler (which some users may desire). In Win10 it will break so many things (including WiFi network listing), that is no longer an option.
My solution for now is a huge script which will disable most stuff: https://sourceforge.net/projects/optimwin-batch/
although it may break some stuff too...
Now that a new LTSC is available, I think it may be a better option than win10 wich seems to be abandoned anyway.
PS: Microsoft managed the imposible: make Win11 worst than Win10. I still use Win7 on my work machine. They should return to win3.11 and start over from there, they started to make terrible mistakes in win95 when for example they decided to use longnames for some system files/folder which may have same short name, and whats worst: Folder "Program Files" was different in each language. The WinSxS mess, keeping lots of versions of all libraries...