Drat. I just spent the last two hours writing an eloquent not-quite-but-almost-rant here, with **BLEEP**s where appropriate and everything -- only to have the Post operation fail with some sort of authentication error and throw the whole thing away. BAD DESIGN. Oh, whoops, yep, it's microsoft.com again.
Too sick and tired of you guys and your twisted worldview to try again right now, so I'll just tell you you're wrong; I deduce from a few of your remarks that maybe this is because you're too young to have ever worked with any operating system that was mature before Microsoft was a dominant player. Well, see, I did work on several of them, and that's why I have the perspective to see all the shortcomings in Windows.
Which is a whole other matter than my beefs with Microsoft's overall unsavory business practices -- though certainly the two are entertwined.
You also seem to live in your own rather unique, special, bubble, where you have control over everybody and how they do things and what they do with their computers. "User freedom" likely extends only-and-exactly as far as you and Microsoft have predecreed it should, and woe betide the extra-inquisitive sheep who worms his way through the fence and discovers he's not really on the Earth but in a tiny biome on a generation starship lost in the depths of space...
More later if I can get over my current ire at this stupid website,.