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What’s new in MSIX: April 2023

Naveen_Nooka's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 05, 2023

The latest build of MSIX Packaging Tool (v1.2023.319.0) and the latest version of MSIXMGR are now available. With MSIX app attach as a growing phenomenon in the enterprise, this release fixes the “paper cuts” in the app attach enablement process. Here is a rundown of the major improvements in the latest release.

  • Simplifying MSIX image creation
  • MSIXMGR support for MSIX bundles
  • Productivity improvements during MSIX image creation
  • Accessibility enhancements in MSIX Packaging Tool
  • Improved first launch experience for MSIX Packaging Tool

MSIXMGR support for MSIX bundles

MSIX app attach is an efficient way for application streaming in the enterprise. MSIXMGR tool expands MSIX packaged applications into MSIX images, which can be used in Azure Virtual Desktop for the app attach process. MSIXMGR tool now supports the expansion of bundles. Below is an example of Terminal application running in app attach mode.

  1. Download the latest Terminal package from here.
  2. Download the MSIXMGR tool and unzip into a local folder.
  3. Open a command prompt in elevated mode.
  4. Find the local folder where MSIXMGR tool is expanded and run the following command in the command prompt to create an MSIX image.




msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath “C:\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_Win11_1.16.10262.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle” -destination "D:\Temp\TerminalApp.vhdx" -applyacls -create -filetype "vhdx" -rootDirectory apps




This creates the TerminalApp.vhdx which can then be app attached.

Screenshot of the Terminal application running in app attach mode

Productivity enhancements

Optimal VHD size

MSIXMGR now supports creating a VHD image without the size parameter. Based on the size of the MSIX package being expanded, VHD size is set.




msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath <path to package> -destination <output folder> [-applyacls] [-create] [-vhdSize <size in MB>] [-filetype <CIM | VHD | VHDX>] [-rootDirectory <rootDirectory>]








msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\packageName_3.51.1.0_x64__81q6ced8g4aa0.msix" -destination "c:\temp\packageName.vhd" -applyacls -create -filetype "vhd" -rootDirectory apps




Improved support for CimFS

CIM is a file extension associated with Composite Image Files System (CimFS). Mounting and unmounting CIM files is faster than VHD files. MSIXMGR now supports creation of MSIX images as “CIM” files without the need to provide the VHD size parameter.




msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\packageName_3.51.1.0_x64__81q6ced8g4aa0.msix" -destination "c:\temp\packageName.cim" -applyacls -create -filetype "cim" -rootDirectory apps




This new feature has also improved reliability on MSIXMGR by fixing issues encountered when users were trying to expand packages that had long file paths.

Accessibility improvements for MSIX Packaging Tool

MSIX Packaging Tool now supports high contrast mode in Windows.

Screenshot of the MSIX Packaging Tool UI showing the options available in the menu for Create new package, and the app is in high contrast mode

Screenshot of the MSIX Packaging Tool showing paths in the Registry Exclusions menu, and the app is in high contrast mode

Screenshot of the MSIX Packaging Tool showing package information, and the app is in high contrast mode

Additionally, based on your feedback we fixed the localization issues of MSIX Packaging Tool.1.

Screenshot of the fixed localization issues in the MSIX Packaging Tool in German

Screenshot of the fixed localization issues in the MSIX Packaging Tool in Japanese

Improved first launch experience for MPT

MSIX Packaging Tool driver is delivered as a Feature on Demand package from Windows update, and if the Windows update service is disabled on the machine, the component will fail to install. We made improvements in the MSIX Packaging Tool experience to detect and suggest alternate options when driver issues are encountered.

A screenshot of the MSIX Packaging Tool’s Prepare computer menu, notifying that it’s “unable to Install Driver”

Thank you to the MSIX community for helping shape the future of the MSIX program. Based on your feedback, we incorporated additional details in error messages and created a simpler on-ramp guide for first time users. Please do continue to provide your inputs via the Feedback Hub. If you have questions about the features, you can submit them in the MSIX Tech Community. If you are interested in checking out the new features we are building, join the MSIX Packaging Tool Insider Program today!

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Updated Apr 06, 2023
Version 3.0
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