Great to see so many helpful questions and especially answers from the Sandbox team. Here's one for you, which I've not found covered anywhere that I've looked: as discussed in other posts, the .wsb config option allows us to access host files/folders from within the sandbox/guest, but does anyone have a suggestion for the reverse: accessing sandbox/guest folders from within the host?
FWIW, I'm wanting to compare a folder on the host to the same folder within the sandbox (once certain software is installed within the sandbox, thus affecting that folder within the guest), using a compare tool installed on the host.
I realize of course that I COULD copy/paste things out of the sandbox to the host (and vice-versa), or perhaps setup up an FTP server in the guest, and then do the comparison on the host. That's a hassle for this need. So is installing comparison software within the guest (where the host folder COULD be accessed).
Any ideas, anyone? I’ve tried to access the sandbox folder using a UNC path from the host, and I’ve tried setting up a share. None seem to work, but I could have made a mistake, of course. Thanks.