Forum Discussion

crispinflower's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 01, 2025

Continuous forms display broken in various ways when use vertical scrollbar or Page Up/Down

I've been investigating this in the Northwind Traders Developer Edition 2.4 as it was affecting a business application and I wanted to see whether it was something we had done wrong or an Access bug. It seems to be an Access bug so writing it up here.

I'm testing with an unaltered frmOrderList, and then with a copy with minor modifications to control anchoring.

The symptoms are quite variable depending on whether I'm working on primary laptop monitor (DELL Precision 1920x1200 with 125% scaling) or a second monitor (DELL P2423 1920x1200 with 100% scaling).

On the second monitor almost any scrollbar action results in a broken form display, where areas remain blank and partly reappear on hover/click, for example:

Everything displays fine if the mouse wheel is used for scrolling; the problem arises only with the scrollbar and/or Page Up/Down.

The wider the window/form, the worse this becomes, and the effects seems to be particularly bad if controls are anchored upper right, but in the above example all the controls in the list are anchored upper left.

Sometimes the left side of the list updates and the right side does not, meaning that incorrect data is displayed to the user - this is particularly dangerous; here's an example using the same form, after anchoring some controls top right:

The record for Robert Zare should say "No stock" but the right-hand columns have remained stuck showing data from the first rows in the form.

Please could this be addressed asap? We have a lot of continuous sub-forms and this is making the applications very problematic to use.

This issue doesn't appear to affect datasheet view - it's only Continuous Forms. Also, it's been like this for some time - I'd guess at least a year.

Environment as follows:

Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2410) 64-bit (I had to remove build number to publish this post!)

Edition Windows 11 Enterprise

Version 23H2

OS build 22631.4602

Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1055.0

Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz

Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

  • crispinflower's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have also now found a machine where I cannot replicate the problem, using the same physical monitor. This is a desktop DELL PC with Intel UHD Graphics 770. The monitor is 1920 x 1200 (recommended) with 100% scaling (recommended) and I cannot reproduce the problem even when changing scaling to 125%.

    This machine is running a slightly later Office build (screenshot as cannot publish the actual words/numbers!!


  • crispinflower's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Also note, when I refer to using the scrollbar, the problem only occurs when you click in it above or below the slider. If you click and drag the actual slider, all is fine (same as using the mouse wheel).

  • Hi, I am Tom, one of the developers of Northwind 2.*.
    I cannot reproduce the problem on my machines. Can you please make sure your video drivers are up to date? That can make a huge difference. 1920 pixels is 28K twips, well below the 32K maximum, so that should not be a problem (assuming normal 72 dpi).
    Can you try on other machines around you?
    Can you give more info about your video card?

    • crispinflower's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Tom, thanks for looking into this.

      I can now confirm that on the second monitor second DELL P2423 1920x1200 I do not see the problem if I change the scaling to 125%. However this is not the recommended setting for the monitor, and I don't want to use it! Drivers are up to date.

      We can easily reproduce on other machines and monitors, e.g. this is from a colleague on a different monitor Dell P2422H 1920 x 1080 with scaling 125% (not recommended setting) after page down/up - note the second column corruption plus showing wrong data for the ID 24 (not World Wide Importers!). Again problems are worse the larger the form (e.g. maximised is really bad). On her other monitor (same model) at 100% scaling, there are similar problems though slightly less pronounced - it takes a couple of page down/up before the display starts to break down. On her primary laptop monitor no problems at all (resolution 1920 x 1200, scaling 125%).

