Forum Discussion

EslamElbyaly's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 05, 2022

Opening a .mdb file

Hi. I havea .mdb file that I need to open. When I try to open it using MS access 2003 or 2007, I get "unrecognized database format.." error. I do not know what version was used to create that file. Is there a way to open it or extract data from it?

    • isladogs's avatar


      Just as an experiment I used your utility to successfully extract all the data from the Access 1.0 version of the Northwind database

      It took a bit of time but seemed to work perfectly. 

      Excellent. Very impressive



    • isladogs's avatar

      The email link in my article worked when I just tried it.

      Anyway, I tried opening your file by several methods including Access v1.0 , Access 2.0, my own recovery software & the utility in the EE article by tsgiannis.

      All of those failed stating that the file was in an unrecognised format

      Next I tried opening in a text editor and could read a lot of data from the file

      However doing that also confirmed it isn't an Access MDB file


      This is the start of the file in Notepad


      Suggest you do the same using Notepad or a hex editor to recover whatever data is useful to you

      • EslamElbyaly's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I tried it before, but as you can see, the data are not organized at all. Can not ACCESS files be opened in a text editor like that?
  • arnel_gp's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    whether the db was created in Old or New version of MS Access, you can view the data using Excel.
    Use Data->Get Data->From Database, and select your .mdb.
    • EslamElbyaly's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I do not know which version of office you're referring to, but I tried Excel 2003> Data> Import External Data> Import Data. Then it asks credentials to connect to the database with username Admin set as default with blank password. When I click test connection, it shows "unrecognized database format" error. It worked when I changed the extension to "txt" instead of "mdb" and imported it successfully, but the data are not organized. It spreads data in a number of columns.
      • isladogs's avatar

        You cannot import from the MDB file as it is not a valid MDB database file
        As already stated, saving a copy as a .txt file will allow you to import it into either Excel or Access using the fixed width option.
        The data is organised but the usable data is split into several fields as it would have been initially (see my earlier screenshot)
        There are almost 60 fields, most of which you can probably delete after inspecting them yourself

    • isladogs's avatar

      I believe modern versions of Excel have the same limitations as Access. Anything created before A2000 cannot be opened. Just tested with valid A95 & A97 files



      However, if saved as a .txt file you can import it (tested successfully). My advice is:

      1. Save a copy as a text file

      2. Open in Excel and import as fixed width. Set suitable break points. You will then see much usable data (and lots of junk). For example, see attached screenshot






  • That means it was created in Access 97 or earlier. .. possibly all the way back to v1.0. To open it, you need to use an earlier version that supports that format then convert it to Access 2000 or later. This may need to be done in several steps depending on the version used originally.


    As I have all Access versions, I may be able to assist. If interested, you can contact me via the contact form at the end of my Web article A Trip Down Memory Lane 

    • George_Hepworth's avatar
      Silver Contributor



      Also asked on Microsoft Answers where the OP revealed in a follow up response that it is an mdb distributed with and for a third-party application. It may well be an older version, such as 97 or earlier. But given that provenance, I'm not willing to bet on much of anything without seeing it.
