Forum Discussion
Mar 07, 2025Copper Contributor
Trouble identifying 'Primary' phone number
Hi - I'm new...ish to Access. I've used it to cleanup raw data before importing into main SQL db, but have not really 'developed' in it. My SQL is rusty and I've only dabbled with VBA.
I'm building a db that has a separate table for 'phonenumber', I'm using a Y/N checkbox with the intent that if the checkbox is checked, then that is the primary phonenumber to use (this is on a continuous form). Since a record can have more than one phonenumber, how do I code it so when someone goes to check an additional checkbox, that it 1)warns them that another phonenumber has already been marked as the primary number (if another one has indeed been checked...if not, then allow the checkbox to be checked), and then 2)if the user wants to change which is the primary phonenumber, then have the update clear the other checkbox and check the current checkbox.
Just so you understand, I'm not talking about making the phonenumber the primarykey - I have the primarykey as PhoneID.
Thanks in advance for your help! I thought I posted this yesterday but now I can't find it at all so forgive me if this ends up being a duplicate post.
- arnel_gpSteel Contributor
If you are Updating same record that you are also updating on the Form, please do not use SQL update query. Use the Form's recordset.
Here is the explanation from CoPilot:
When a MS Access form is "dirty" (meaning changes are pending) and you try to update the same table using an SQL UPDATE query, you'll likely encounter a Write conflict error because Access is trying to manage the same data simultaneously.
Here's how to resolve this:
Save the Form Before Updating:
Before running the SQL UPDATE query, ensure the form's changes are saved to the database by either:
Moving to a different record in the form, which triggers the automatic save.
Explicitly saving the record using VBA code: Me.Dirty = False.
Using the Me.Requery command to refresh the form after the update.
This ensures that the form's changes are synchronized with the database before the update query attempts to modify the same data.Consider a Timestamp Field:
Add a timestamp field to the table that is editable through Access.
This field will automatically update whenever a record is modified, helping Access to detect conflicts and prevent errors.
You can also add a timestamp column to the SQL database that gets updated with a trigger ON UPDATE.Check Row Versioning (if applicable):
If you're connecting to a SQL Server database, investigate the use of row versioning (or a similar mechanism).
Row versioning can help track changes and resolve conflicts more effectively.Avoid "Dirty" Form Updates:
If you are making changes to the record in the form and also using VBA code to update the record, make sure you are not trying to update the same record at the same time.
If you are updating the record in the form, make sure the form is not dirty before you try to update the record in the table.
You can also use VBA to change the values ON the form rather than in a separate query or alter the process so that the records you are viewing are a snapshot stored in a temporary table, that you base your update query on that. - arnel_gpSteel Contributor
I discourage using SQL query when you are in a Form and the form is Dirty.
you can use the Form's Recordsetclone.
Dim m_PhoneID As Long Private Sub YesNoField_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If Me.YesNoField = -1 Then With Me.RecordsetClone .FindFirst "YesNoField = -1 And CustomerID = " & Me.CustomerID & " And PhoneID <> " & Me.PhoneID If Not .NoMatch Then If MsgBox("Do you want to make this PhoneNumber the primary phone number?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then m_PhoneID = !PhoneID Me.TimerInterval = 100 Else Me.YesNoField.Undo Cancel = True End If End If End With End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Timer() ' kill the timer Me.TimerInterval = 0 With Me.RecordsetClone .FindFirst "PhoneID = " & m_PhoneID .Edit !YesNoField = 0 .Update End With End Sub
- Tom_van_StiphoutSteel Contributor
You're not showing the design of the table, so I can freely speculate you have a CustomerID field as well, and are capturing the several phone numbers for each customer.
If so, in Form_AfterUpdate you can count the number of records with Primary field set to True, using DCount, and if greater than 1, run an Update query to set all but the current record to False. Something like:
(off the cuff)
dim sql as stringif me.Primary=True then
if dcount("*", "tblPhoneNumbers", "CustomerID=" & Me.CustomerID) > 1 then
sql="update tblPhoneNumbers set Primary=false where CustomerID=" & me.CustomerID & " and PhoneID <> " & Me.PhoneID
Currentdb.Execute sql, dbFailOnErrorendif
- ns61Copper Contributor
Tom_van_Stiphoutthanks for your solution, and yes, your speculations are correct. I actually was able to resolve this by
However, I'm open to seeing other approaches as well so I may play around with yours too