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Schulleitung Attinghausen's avatar
Schulleitung Attinghausen
Copper Contributor
Sep 20, 2016

Username from Office-Account with VBA (Access2016)?

I want to read the username of the current logged in Office account in MS Access 2016 with VBA  (not Windows or network username). The logged in user appears indeed in the Office2016 applications respectively in the title bar at the top right. Environ (), etc. unfortunately does not help.

As some users have different office accounts (partly for business and / or private) and change between these (eg due to access to your own OneDrive files). I would like the Office-username (account-name) for the user-specific representation of information in forms, queries, etc.  I Have already found that the previously registered users will be added to the registry and are thus read, but which of these is the currently logged on?

Thanks for your help

  • Don DeCarlo's avatar
    Don DeCarlo
    Brass Contributor

    I use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement object to get user information on my apps.


    In VB (I don't use VBA but very simliar syntax) the UserContext object give you all the information about the signed in user (Current) you need.


    Imports System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

    Dim User As UserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.Current

    Dim UserContext As PrincipalContext = User.Context


    Hope that helps.

    • Luc Debois's avatar
      Luc Debois
      Iron Contributor

      I can help if you explain how to integrate the code you suggested in the Access VBA environment ...

      • Don DeCarlo's avatar
        Don DeCarlo
        Brass Contributor


        So you would create a object on your form (or other type) i.e. Label

        Then you would create some code (i.e. VBA or Visual Basic)

        Then you would reference the Netframework dll (using Imports) i think

        Then create the sub and event (onLoad maybe) or click

        So something like this.  I just don't know the exact syntax in Access

        Maybe you can get it working as you suggest.


        Imports System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement


        Private Sub Label12_Click()
        Dim User As System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal
        User = UserPrincipal.Current
        Dim UserContext As System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext
        UserContext = User.Context
        Label12 = User.DisplayName
        End Sub

  • Luc Debois's avatar
    Luc Debois
    Iron Contributor

    Good question ... could be helpfull in an application ...

    Unfortunately I have not solution for this yet ... :-( ... I'll keep on searching ...
