Forum Discussion
Nov 03, 2021Copper Contributor
Azure Function and MSAL
I'm wondering why below works fine when I run within PowerShell but when I run from an Azure Function it fails with - "could not obtain authentication ticket based on provided credentials for specified"
Accesskey1 and 2 are username and password
RedirectURI is"
Scope is https://<xxx>"
function Get-AADAuthToken-UserPerm([Uri] $Uri, $ClientID, $accesskey1, $accesskey2, $redirectURI, $Scope)
# NOTE: Create an azure app and update $clientId and $redirectUri below
#$authority = ""
#$authority = ""
$TenantId = (Invoke-WebRequest<domainname>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration | ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
$resource = $Uri.GetLeftPart([System.UriPartial]::Authority);
$Scopes = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
$pcaConfig = [Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplicationBuilder]::Create($ClientId).WithTenantId($TenantId).WithRedirectUri($redirectURI)
$authenticationResult = $pcaConfig.Build().AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword($Scopes,$accessKey1,$accessKey2).ExecuteAsync().Result
return $authenticationResult
- EricStarkerFormer Employee
Hello! You've posted your question in the Tech Community Discussion space, which is intended for discussion around the Tech Community website itself, not product questions. I'm moving your question to the Apps on Azure space - please post Apps on Azure-related questions here in the future.