Forum Discussion

DanPetitt's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 28, 2024

We have just re-deployed our app to ASEv3 and its failing

I am getting several issues once I migrated our framework 4.8 app from ASEv2 to ASEv3.


It should be noted that the code is identical; but we did deploy the code this time using terraform so deployment of the apps (we have multiple apps for different customers using isolated databases and subdomain name) is identical and the creation of storage accounts and all other services are the same.


I have checked the configuration, env variables of the web app, and config of storage accounts (v2) are both identical between the old service and the new one.


Response Streaming

Firstly, we cant stream files of particular sizes to the client anymore. We just get a weird URL Rewrite error (we dont have any url rewrite rules in our web.config). Small files work fine, larger files (2mb) do not (they are txt files) from a file share on Azure Storage.


Initially we couldn't stream small files either, but I disabled dynamic compression to web.config and it fixed it; but then we started getting the above issue with larger files:


<urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="false" />



What we get is an "URL Rewrite Module Error":

Module: RewriteModule
Notification: ReleaseRequestState
Handler: System.Web.Http.WebHost.HttpControllerHandler
Error Code: 0x80004004


Request Issues

We have an integration test that 'PUT's an empty model to an authenticated endpoint which has no authentication (Basic Auth); previously this returned a 401 Unauthorised; now it returns a 411 LengthRequired error.


This must be something to do with the validation order of the request which has changed; perhaps ASEv3 has a slightly newer/different IIS version?


Remote Debugging

I cannot connect Visual Studio to my web app to remote debug; I presume they have killed off ASP.Net Framework apps and only support .net core now?


When I select my web app (with remote debugging enabled) from Visual Studio Attach to Process, it just presents an "Operation not suppored 0x80aa0001" error


The response issue is the most important as I just cannot work out what is going wrong and what has changed. This all works locally fine, even connecting to the same (live/prod) database and storage account works fine; so its just an issue within ASEv3 which was never an issue with ASEv2.
