Forum Discussion

Sander van de Velde's avatar
Apr 11, 2018

Deploying a NodeJS server with SocketIO to Docker using Azure IoT Edge

The current Azure IoT Edge public preview uses Docker to deploy logic from the cloud into local gateways. It's currently featuring:


  • C# modules written in .Net standard
  • Python modules
  • Azure Function built on your machine
  • Azure Stream Analytics jobs built and deployed in the cloud
  • Azure Machine Learning

We can expect Microsoft will support other types of modules soon as they have proven with other recent projects. An Azure Cognitive Services module is a good example, it's put in every IoT Edge presentation.


The IoT Edge portal makes it possible to deploy modules which are available in private or public image repositories.


Could it be possible to build and deploy images to the gateway which are not specifically designed for IoT Edge?


It turns out, it is possible.


Let's deploy a NodeJS server which serves SocketIO.


Read the full article here


Accessing NodeJS SockerIO server


Configuring the port forwarding


Passing through messages using SocketIO


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