Forum Discussion
Mar 09, 2021Steel Contributor
MFA without a Cellphone
This is becoming a bigger issue more and more. We cannot, as a company, require our Employees to use a personal cellphone to get text codes or install work apps to authenticate our work accounts. ...
Dec 06, 2022Copper Contributor
looking for 3rd party authenticator app, it should not open source
Except MS authenticator because users are not allowing to user mobile phone
Except MS authenticator because users are not allowing to user mobile phone
Jan 04, 2023Copper Contributor
sathiyatam26 luvsql
Has anyone found a solution for this problem? I am an employee and want to access MFA, but I seek to do so without using a personal cell phone.
- kenturnerturnercomAug 01, 2023Copper ContributorYes, I have found a solution. I only use a PC and not a tracking device like a dumb (s.m.a.r.t.) phone. Just recently our Company initiated the Microsoft Authenticator. As if the Text or Phone call wasn't enough (sarcasm). My Company would not allow IT to circumvent certain Users, like myself, to use Outlook and the rest as it was previously.
Since I use the PC I searched for a viable way to keep my rights and not tie business things to a personal mobile phone.
IF anyone is interested in this Microsoft Authenticator to PC, then let me know.- webaptOct 09, 2023Copper ContributorWe are a MAC-based environment, and 80% of users are okay with using their mobile for MFA. But I must find an alternative solution for the 20% who refused to use their mobile device.
- it-lettAug 16, 2023Copper Contributor
There are a number of applications available for Linux, Windows, and macOS that will generate otpauth://totp/ keys like Microsoft Authenticator and Google Authenticator are able to.
I have used KeepassXC on all platforms for this feature - just putting the text in the form of the following URL into the "notes" section will make it work (actually only the "secret" part is needed, the same codes are generated no matter what other info is included). I think KeepassXC also has a dedicated database item for TOTP data, but having it in the "notes" section also works with StrongBox on macOS and iOS, which I also have used. I don't know if keepass2android picks up this info for the Android implementation.
(I used ☉ rather than @ because the filters get rid of properly formatted email addresses)
Key Uri Format
- GemDitoSep 17, 2023Copper Contributor
One option to consider if the IT department doesn't mind opensource is WinAuth.
- g_aceikAug 15, 2023Copper ContributorYes i would be interested, ty? This is a joke, FYi! More proof that these tech giants are trying to force ppl into a digital surveillance state, by forcing ppl to have dumb (s.m.a.r.t.) phone, aka data harvesting/tracking device. I will never conform to this. Pernille-Eskebo - demanding that you allow email authentication.. SMS is already to intrusive! Suggestions anyone how to get around this??