Forum Discussion

  • Dean_Gross MDI automatically tags members of these groups as Sensitive, you can find it in their identity page


    Furthermore, you can manually tag additional identities as sensitive through the settings screens


  • moderncloud's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I wondered this too after our initial deployment thinking this table would be populated automatically over time and waited.

    Yesterday, I was running some PowerShell scripts with my admin account (this account has Security Administrator AAD role and ADDS Domain Admin) from our hybrid exchange server to one of our DCs and I triggered a "Remote code execution" alert in MDI. In the "Important Information" area of the alert, one of the points specify: "Potential sensitive lateral movement path identified to sensitive user(s), that includes *SERVER*."

    So, in conclusion, I think the verbiage in that article means, any Identities that satisfy that list of criteria, are automatically and implicitly tagged as sensitive so they won't show up in that table. I went ahead and explicitly added my admin account to that Sensitive Tag table, however.
