Forum Discussion

Aaida_Aboobakkar's avatar
Feb 06, 2025

LAB: Onboarding On-premises Machine to Azure Arc by using Proxy as Connectivity Method

What is Azure Arc?

Azure Arc is a set of technologies that extends Azure management and enables Azure services to run across on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments. It allows you to manage resources such as servers, Kubernetes clusters, databases, and applications running outside Azure using familiar Azure tools and services like Azure Policy, Azure Monitor, and Defender for cloud.

With Azure Arc, you can bring these resources into Azure's control plane, standardize operations, and apply consistent security and governance across your entire IT landscape.

This simplifies hybrid and multi-cloud management while leveraging Azure's features, making it easier to innovate and maintain control over your infrastructure.

LAB Architecture

Lab pre-requisites:

  • Set up and on-premises environment with an VM and Enterprise Proxy.
  • An Azure subscription where we can on board machine.
  • Understand the system, network pre-requisite. Plan Deployment

Please note the hostname as this will show in azure arc portal once you on board machine into azure arc.

Also, you can verify whether proxy is configured using command netsh winhttp show proxy


Note: You don't need to use proxy connectivity option if your internet traffic is already routing via proxy in the network level. You can use this option if you need your agent to communicate via a different proxy which not already configured at network level.

Steps to deploy:

Generate Script to on-board on-premises machine:

Go to Azure Arc-->Machines and Click on Create.



Select an option best suited for you. I am using Add multiple servers Option


Fill the details, provide your proxy sever URL.


Provide service principal already have or create new one. 

Provide tags if you need.


Go to download and run script option. Either you can download or copy the script and directly and run it in your machine.

Update Service Principal secret inside script then the script is ready to use.


Run the script in on-premises machine

Go to on-premises machine PowerShell and run script. The script will install the Azure Arc agent and connect the system with Arc control Plane. 

Not necessarily these steps need to do by PowerShell. You are having multiple way to connect machine to azure arc. Eg: CLI, API calls etc. Please go through Azure arc documentation to know more. 

The following action will take place once you run the script.

  • Azure Connected Machine Agent Installation
  • Setting proxy configuration
  • Connect machine to Azure


Now your machine is onboarded, and you can enjoy all the services in azure. In nutshell you can treat your on-premises machine as azure vm and apply all the related series.


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