Forum Discussion

experi18's avatar
Brass Contributor
Nov 06, 2024

Managing Multiple VMs on Azure Similar to Workspace One


I currently manage an infrastructure of approximately 100 VMs. I would like to perform activities on Azure such as:

  1. Installing/removing apps
  2. Viewing all installed apps on the VMs
  3. Adding shortcuts to the desktop
  4. Adjusting timezone/date and time

I am looking for a solution that can handle these tasks, similar to what Workspace One does, but for Windows Servers.

How do you currently manage these tasks?

Thank you!

Feel free to post this on the Microsoft forum. If you need any further assistance, let me know!

  • How about by leveraging

    Configuration InstallApp {
        Node "YourVMName" {
            Package MyApp {
                Ensure = "Present"
                Name = "YourAppName"
                Path = "C:\Path\To\Installer.msi"
                ProductId = "YourProductID"
    InstallApp -OutputPath "C:\DSC"
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path "C:\DSC" -Wait -Verbose

    Azure Automation DSC?



  • BDassow's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Sadly there are No build in solution within azure, who can handle all of this tasks at once. 

    You would need to combine multiple solutions at once:

    • VM Application extensions for App installation (limited use due to some restrictions in update handling, app size etc) ( - This can be automated using Azure policy for example
    • Inventory and change tracking using azure monitoring agent (
    • Adding Shortcuts and adjusting Timezone could be Booth done using Azure  DSC depending if you want to revert manual changes done via the server ui 
    • Alternatively Azure Automation and PowerShell based RunBooks could be used for all of this 

    Everything listed will require initial effort for setup and technical knowledge in general to maintain. 

    If you more a UI Person and feel comfortable within Microsoft ecosystem at all, SCCM would be still sufficient for your needs. 

    If you want to try something else Ansible would be the way to go. Can handle all of your requirements but also requires setup and more technical knowledge then SCCM (after setup of SCCM)


    That where also one of the questions I asked at Ignite but get nothing more then I have written above :/
