Forum Discussion

clairegiordano's avatar
May 14, 2024

Need feedback on blog post "What's new with Postgres at Microsoft, 2024 edition"

Just published this brand new deep-dive of a blog post to share highlights of all the Azure & the open source work done by the Postgres team at Microsoft over the last 8 months. The title: What's new with Postgres at Microsoft, 2024 edition. // And would like to know: do you find this useful??

The post contains a detailed infographic (handmade) that gives you a visual outline of all the different Postgres workstreams our engineering & PM teams have been driving. 

And because the Postgres 17 code freeze just happened last month, I included highlights from some of the new PG17 capabilities our Postgres contributor team worked on as well. 

If you're an Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server customer, you won't be disappointed. Lots of new features rolled out in the last 8 months. 

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