Forum Discussion
Jan 09, 2024Microsoft Fabric Tenant Settings v2 - Current & Snapshot Comparison
Preserve the API responses as JSON files either daily or weekly and use Power BI to analyze these snapshot files. This approach also enables you to subscribe to email notifications or alerts based on certain metrics as needed.
- Loading JSON Files: To import your local JSON files, select the JSON option in the Get Data menu and utilize the JSON connector in Power Query. This action prompts a local file browser for you to choose your JSON files.
- Transforming JSON Data: Power Query identifies tables within the JSON data and automatically converts them into a tabular format. You can then employ the editor to further modify the data as required, or simply close and apply.
- Data Analysis: Once all the JSON files have been imported and transformed into tables, Power BI’s data modeling and visualization tools can be used to analyze the data. You can formulate calculated columns, measures, and visuals to contrast the data across different JSON files.
- Email Subscriptions: Power BI offers the feature to regularly receive email updates for reports and dashboards. You can adjust the frequency of these emails to be daily, weekly, or triggered by data changes. This functionality allows you to stay informed with the most recent insights without the need to manually check Power BI.
- Alert Creation: Power BI also provides the capability to set up data-driven alerts, enabling you to receive notifications when your data surpasses predefined limits.
Here are several methods for retrieving Microsoft Fabric tenant settings via the REST API Python, PowerShell and Curl.
- Extracting tenant settings from Microsoft Fabric using PowerShell and the REST API
- Extracting tenant settings from Microsoft Fabric using Python and the REST API
You can obtain the Power BI Template files from this location:
- v1 Live/Current Tenant Settings: Microsoft Fabric Tenant Settings.pbit (github)
- v2 Live/Current Tenant Settings + Snapshot Settings: Microsoft Fabric Tenant Settings v2.pbit (github)
- v3 Snapshot Settings: Microsoft Fabric Tenant Settings v3.pbit (github)
Provide the necessary parameters to the template file, save it as a PBIX file, and then publish it to the Power BI service.
Provide the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret for the service principal that can access the Tenant Settings. Also, specify the folder path where the exported snapshot files are stored, so they can be read and compared.
Please refer to the following documents to understand how to set up a service principal. Power BI REST APIs and Enable service principal authentication for read-only admin APIs
Later, these reports can be shared with others and alerts can be created or subscribed to as required.
The below is a version 1 or part 1 article that you can use as a reference. Microsoft Fabric Tenant Settings - Reports - Microsoft Community Hub
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