Forum Discussion

SathishK1125's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 01, 2024

Unable to Create Batch Pool in Batch Account with Batch Explorer Tool


I am encountering an issue while creating a batch pool using the Batch Explorer as mentioned in the msdn Tutorial: Run a Batch job through Azure Data Factory - Azure Batch | Microsoft Learn.  Despite following the standard procedures, I am unable to successfully create the pool. I have detailed the steps and configuration below.

Issue Details:

  • Service: Batch Account
  • Tool: Batch Explorer
  • Error Message: ["resizeErrors": [
          "code": "OperationsRestrictedByPolicy",
          "message": "Assigned policy on resource has blocked pool operation.",
          "values": [
              "name": "Code",
              "value": "OperationsOnNetworkSecurityGroupRestrictedByPolicy"
              "name": "Reason",
              "value": "Policy is forbidding operations on the Network Security Group resource, which has blocked resize/create/delete of the pool. Check policy assignment."
  • Error Screenshot:


Steps to Reproduce: Tutorial: Run a Batch job through Azure Data Factory - Azure Batch | Microsoft Learn

  1. Sign in to Batch Explorer with Azure credentials.
  2. Select the Batch account.
  3. Navigate to Pools on the left sidebar, and select the + icon to add a pool.
  4. Complete the Add a pool to the account form as follows:
    • Under ID, enter custom-activity-pool.
    • Under Dedicated nodes, enter 2.
    • For Select an operating system configuration, select the Data science tab, and then select Dsvm Win 2019.
    • For Choose a virtual machine size, select Standard_F2s_v2.
    • For Start Task, select Add a start task. On the start task screen, under Command line, enter cmd /c "pip install azure-storage-blob pandas", and then select Select.
    • Enable network configuration with virtual network to use private endpoints.[Error is coming when we enable the network configuration with private virtual network]
  5. Select Save and close.
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