Forum Discussion

Xuhui_Liu's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 14, 2024

Confused on the dispaly after "add lock" on storage

I am practising The display don't match the images.


1, create storage az900xliu under az900 resource group

2, Add lock lock1 on it

3, add container failed

4, navigate to az900:az900xliu:lock : NO LOCK here ( don't match the material)

5, navigate to az900:lock : lock1 is here

6, delete lock1


I repeated step 2-6 several times. And tried add lock2 under az900:az900xliu:lock, lock2 will disappear after navigate to other tab and back just like lock1. But, lock2 will NOT appear under az900:lock either.

And, I tried add lock2 under az900:lock. It appears, but after navigate to other tab and back, it disappear. Really confused on these behavior.


I tried create container after delete lock1(lock2 don't appear so I cannot delete). After click the link in error message, I navigate to az900:lock and two lock2 appear. One is under az900:lock, another is under az900:az900xliu:lock. After delete them, I successfully add container.

  • Hello Xuhui_Liu 


    I tried on my side and all worked as expected.
    Be aware that Azure is often capricious in terms of refreshing 


    One option to validate that it's just a refresh issue is to check by using PowerShell or CLI command.

    • PowerShell command:
    Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -ResourceName <storage-account-name> -ResourceType Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 
    • PowerShell result:


    • AZ CLI command:
    az resource lock show -n <lock-name> -g <resource-group-name> --resource <storage-account-name> --resource-type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
    • AZ CLI result:


    Hope it helps!

  • Hello Xuhui_Liu 


    I tried on my side and all worked as expected.
    Be aware that Azure is often capricious in terms of refreshing 


    One option to validate that it's just a refresh issue is to check by using PowerShell or CLI command.

    • PowerShell command:
    Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -ResourceName <storage-account-name> -ResourceType Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts 
    • PowerShell result:


    • AZ CLI command:
    az resource lock show -n <lock-name> -g <resource-group-name> --resource <storage-account-name> --resource-type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
    • AZ CLI result:


    Hope it helps!

    • Xuhui_Liu2255's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you. You are correct. Azure portal display is so capricious!
