Forum Discussion

Henry Schulman's avatar
Jan 19, 2021

Azure Migrate lab environment...

Hello team,


Is there an Azure Migrate lab environment available to walk through the VMware to Azure VM replication and migration process? I need to learn and document this to walk the customer through the process...

Thank you!



    • Marc_Towersap22's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      these links don't work. idweb? can't reach it since it's not a FQDN. That user guide? it looks to go to some sharepoint site that, well, I can't access when I log in as myself, simply because I don't have access to the site that is hosting that sharepoint.
      • MikeBazMSFT's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
        Sorry everyone on behalf of some of my colleagues; the question was asked by a Microsoft employee and answered with internal references. The information is not valid for external folks. I agree this is confusing for a public forum. There is not a public end to end lab environment available at this time for Azure Migrate that I'm aware of.
      • Henry Schulman's avatar
        Henry Schulman
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft


        Azure Migrate Demo Environment User Guide 

        In the guide...

        Get Access


        Join the Azure Migrate Demoers security group (go to http://idweb ,search for migratedemo and join the security group) to get access to the demo environment. Once you join the group, wait for few hours for the access to reflect, it may take up to 24 hours for the access to reflect.


        Create an Azure Migrate Project


        1. Search for ‘Azure Migrate’ in the Azure portal. On the Azure Migrate dashboard, you will see various migration scenarios listed for migration of servers, databases, web apps and data to Azure. This demo environment is pre-populated with information for the servers and databases scenarios.


        1. Start by creating a new project using the steps mentioned here to showcase the capability to choose between Microsoft/ISV tools for assessment and migration. Since you only have read-only access to the subscription, you will not be able to create a project but you will be able to walk-through the wizard and cancel at the last step.
    • Henry Schulman's avatar
      Henry Schulman
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft


      the universe is amazing... I've been looking and reaching out for help on this... I just saw this email and it led to you providing an Azure Migrate lab 🙂 

      YAY! thank you Anmol!!!
