Forum Discussion
Mar 10, 2023New Blog Post | Enhancements to Azure WAF for Application Gateway now in General Availability
Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Application Gateway provides centralized protection for your web applications against common vulnerabilities and exploits. Web applications are increasingly targeted by malicious attacks that vulnerabilities. SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) are examples of some well-known attacks. Preventing such attacks in application code can be challenging and may require rigorous maintenance, patching, and monitoring at many layers of the application topology. A centralized web application firewall helps make security management much simpler and gives better assurance to application developers and security teams against threats or intrusions.
The Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) engine is the component that inspects traffic and determines whether a web-request represents a potential attack, then takes appropriate action depending on the configuration. Previously, when you used the Azure WAF with Application Gateway, there were certain limitations in the way you could configure and monitor your WAF deployments. We are happy to announce several enhancements to the configurations and monitoring capabilities of Azure WAF when used with Azure Application Gateway going forward.
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