Forum Discussion
Oct 03, 2018Iron Contributor
Alert "Monitor Condition" never changes
We're starting our journey from SCOM to Azure Monitor and have run into an issue with Azure Alerts (sorry for posting this in Azure Log Analytics, but there is no Azure Monitor Tech Community). I...
Nov 21, 2019Copper Contributor
ScottAllison did you find an answer on how to change the monitor condition?
Thanks in advance,
- Noa KuperbergNov 24, 2019
I've reached out to the alerts PM (, awaiting his update on this.
- andersbaumannNov 25, 2019Copper Contributor
Hi Noa.
I posted a similar question on Stackoverflow and with a little help I found the reason of my issue. I changed the aggregation count from "Count" to "Total" and that resolved the alert.
- Noa KuperbergNov 25, 2019
Thanks andersbaumann !
Great to see you were able to adjust the query and find a solution. Harel's answer is relevant only to metric alerts, and the problem with resolving log based alerts is still on going.
The answer I got from Yaniv Lavi ( is they're hoping to fix in in the next semester, but it's not sure yet.