Forum Discussion
Grzegorz Wierzbicki
Apr 18, 2019Brass Contributor
Find events where access was blocked by specific condional access policy
Hi In Azure Sentinel, I need to find events where access to a resource was blocked by specific conditional access policy. Can anyone help with the query ?
Grzegorz Wierzbicki
May 06, 2019Brass Contributor
This is not it.
ConditionalAccessPolicies is an array of all the policies found in the tenant.
Each policy can have a status of success, notApplied or notEnabled (possibly more?)
In PowerShell this would be a no-brainer.
$policyid = <guid>
$ConditionalAccessPolicies | ?{$ -eq $policyid -AND $_.result -eq "success"}
I just don't know how do that in this query language...
May 09, 2019
More like
SigninLogs | where tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName) !="" | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated, CAPolicyName = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName), ConditionalAccessStatus
Filter on 'success' with
SigninLogs | where tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName) !="" | where ConditionalAccessStatus == "success" | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated, CAPolicyName = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName), ConditionalAccessStatus
- Grzegorz WierzbickiMay 09, 2019Brass Contributor
Thank you for trying :)
This will not work.
In your example you are only checking the first policy from the array (with index [0]).
I don't know at which position in the array my policy is.
I can find out by checking the logs (today it is 27) but that position can change as older policies are removed from the tenant.
Query must be based on specific policy ID
- CliveWatsonMay 09, 2019
I only have the one policy, so always [0] :-(
However I think (not tested) mvexpand might help here, this might do multiple array positions
SigninLogs | extend PropertiesJSON = parse_json(ConditionalAccessPolicies) | extend CAPoliciesJson = parse_json(tostring(PropertiesJSON)) | mvexpand CAPoliciesJson //| project CAPoliciesJson .displayName | where CAPoliciesJson.displayName !="" | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated, CAPolicyName = tostring(CAPoliciesJson.displayName) , tostring(CAPoliciesJson.result), tostring(
- Grzegorz WierzbickiMay 09, 2019Brass Contributor
| extend CAPoliciesJson = parse_json(tostring(PropertiesJSON))
This will parse the first item of the new array.
- CliveWatsonMay 09, 2019
I only have the one policy, so always [0] :-(
However I think (not tested) mvexpand might help here, this might do multiple array positions
SigninLogs | extend PropertiesJSON = parse_json(ConditionalAccessPolicies) | extend CAPoliciesJson = parse_json(tostring(PropertiesJSON)) | mvexpand CAPoliciesJson //| project CAPoliciesJson .displayName | where CAPoliciesJson.displayName !="" | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated, CAPolicyName = tostring(CAPoliciesJson.displayName) , tostring(CAPoliciesJson.result), tostring(