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Aug 21, 2023Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #432 powered by endjin
Dear All,
since quite a while, I've subscribed to this Azure Newsletter provided by endjiin. Each week, they publish gather a wealth of blogs, articles and videos around Azure Topics and pack them all into this newsletter. Very handy for people like me to save time but still get all the news.
Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #432
powered by endjin
Welcome to issue 432 of Azure Weekly. First up - a number of useful Azure Container Apps features have been release: Cross Origin Resource Sharing CORS, and Session affinity, and Azure Key Vault references for secrets, and Init containers and Secrets volume mounts. ACA starting to become the first port of call for deploying apps in Azure.
Other highlights this week include: Azure Pipelines meet Vitest, Controlling Azure DevOps Pipelines through Teams Integration and Manual Intervention Steps, Implementing Microsoft Sentinel and Two simulated threats from scratch Then see Sentinel in action, Move Backups In Recovery Service Vault From LRS/GRS To ZRS While Preserving The Data, and Mastering Azure Key Vault: An Informative Guide.
In the data and analytics space: Cosmos DB Replicas With Private Endpoint, Unlock the Power of Azure Data Factory: A Guide to Boosting Your Data Ingestion Process, Unleashing SQL Sorcery: Increasing Performance and Complexity with GitHub Copilot, Using Azure DevOps Analytics views and Microsoft Fabric to create Sprint review reports, and finally, the 3rd part in Microsoft Fabric for Technology Leaders: Developing a Data Mesh Inspired Vision Using Microsoft Fabric.
If you have any content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, please tweet @AzureWeekly or ping an email to
Interested in Power BI? Sign up to our sibling newsletter Power BI Weekly or follow on Twitter @powerbiweekly to receive all the week's Power BI news.
AI + Machine Learning
Covering: Anomaly detector, Azure Bot Service, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Open Datasets, Bing APIs, Cognitive Services, Computer Vision, Content moderator, Custom vision, Data Science Virtual Machines, Face, Form Recogniser, Immersive Reader, Ink Recogniser, Language Understanding (LUIS), Machine Learning Studio, Microsoft Genomics, ML.NET, Personaliser, Project Cortex, QnA Maker, Speaker Recognition, Speech-to-Text, Speech translation, Text Analytics, Text to Speech , Translator Speech, Translator Text
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Machine Learning - Public Preview for August
- Matthew Anderson presents a webinar: Want to build a Copilot for your app? Semantic Kernel & Prompt Flow for Beginners
- David Giard (@DavidGiard) provides A Brief Overview of Responsible AI
- Jennie Cady talks about Copilot in Teams: August 2023 Updates
- On episode 199 of the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast, Tobias Zimmergren (@zimmergren) and Jussi Roine (@JussiRoine) talk about Refreshing our knowledge on Azure AI
- Ben Roberts covers Azure MLOps Challenge Blog: Part 2
- Gia Mondragon writes Azure Cognitive Search and LangChain: A Seamless Integration for Enhanced Vector Search Capabilities
Covering: Apache Spark for HDInsight, Apache Storm for HDInsight, Azure Analysis Services, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Data Share, Azure Databricks, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Catalog, Data Factory, Data Lake Analytics, Event Hubs, HDInsight, .NET for Apache Spark, R Server for HDInsight, Microsoft Purview, Microsoft Fabric
- Barry Smart (@barry_j_a_smart) shares the next post in the series about Microsoft Fabric for Technology Leaders: Developing a Data Mesh Inspired Vision Using Microsoft Fabric
- Batuhan Tuter delves into SAP CDC on Azure
- Dany Hoter discusses Relationships between ADX tables on two databases or two clusters
- John Folberth (@j_folberth) covers Part 4 - Unlock the Power of Azure Data Factory: A Guide to Boosting Your Data Ingestion Process
Covering: Azure CycleCloud, Azure Dedicated Host, Azure Functions, Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple, Batch, Cloud Services, Linux Virtual Machines, SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances, Service Fabric, Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: Durable Functions for Python v2 Programming Model
- Aysha Keen announces public preview of new Mv3 Medium Memory Virtual Machines
- Brian Lepore describes Introducing New Performance Tiers for Azure Managed Lustre: Enhancing HPC Workloads
- Mengyang Chen blogs about Azure PowerShell Functions - connect SFTP and Storage Account
- Glaucia Lemos (@glaucia_lemos86) provides a Step by Step Guide: Migrating v3 to v4 programming model for Azure Functions for Node.Js Application
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: SDK type bindings in Azure Functions
Covering: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Red Hat OpenShift, CNAB, CNCF, Container Instances, Container Registry, Porter, WSL, Web App for Containers
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: Cross Origin Resource Sharing CORS in Azure Container Apps, and Generally available: Session affinity for Azure Container Apps, and Generally available: Azure Key Vault references for secrets in Azure Container Apps, and Generally available: Init containers in Azure Container Apps and Generally available: Secrets volume mounts for Azure Container Apps
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: Kubernetes 1.27 support in AKS
Covering: Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for MariaDB, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Edge, Azure Cache for Redis, SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server on virtual machines, SQL Server Stretch Database, Table storage
- The Azure Updates Team announces General availability: Terraform support for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL and General availability: 99th percentile latency metric in Azure Cache for Redis
- The Azure Updates Team announces Public Preview: Storage auto-grow & online disk scaling for Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Public Preview: Azure Active Directory integration with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
- Nevena Nikolic writes about Your max log rate on SQL Managed Instance Business Critical is now doubled
- Shreya R. Aithal talks about Azure Database for MySQL - July 2023 updates and latest feature roadmap
- Aidan Finn (@joe_elway) explains Cosmos DB Replicas With Private Endpoint
- Erin Stellato and Subhojit Basak (@erinstellato) talk about Unleashing SQL Sorcery: Increasing Performance and Complexity with GitHub Copilot
- Mustafa Ashour discusses Tips & Tricks 5: Unable to login to Azure SQL Managed Instance using AAD Integrated
Developer Tools
Covering: App Configuration, Azure Lab Services, CLIs, Developer tool integrations, SDKs, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Online
- The Azure Updates Team announces General Availability : Help API provides access to self-help diagnostics
- Jessie Houghton writes about Multi-Branch Graph Available for General Audiences
- On the Visual Studio blog, Nayana Srikanth writes about Visual Studio 2022 – 17.7 Performance Enhancements
- Also on the Visual Studio blog, Mads Kristensen (@mkristensen) describes his favorite features in Visual Studio 17.7
- On the Visual Studio blog, David Li talks about Unleashing the Power of Visual Studio 2022 for C++ Game Development
- Ken Ross (@kzhen) blogs about Using ChatGPT to learn how to use JMeter
- Swati Mehta covers Microsofts Azure Kinect Developer Kit Technology Transfers to Partner Ecosystem
- Henry Yan covers Ubuntu Server to Ubuntu Pro in-place upgrade now available in public preview
- Verah Ombui walks through Discovering System Center Virtual Machine Manager SCVMM
- On episode 258 of the Azure DevOps podcast, Jeffrey Palermo (@jeffreypalermo) and Damian Brady (@damovisa) talk aboutGitHub Copilot
Covering: Azure Artifacts, Azure Boards, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, Azure Repos, Azure Test Plans, Azure DevTest Labs, DevOps tool integrations
- John Reilly (@johnny_reilly) blogs about Azure Pipelines meet Vitest and covers Azure Open AI: handling capacity and quota limits with Bicep
- John Kilmister (@johnkilmister) walks through Controlling Azure DevOps Pipelines through Teams Integration and Manual Intervention Steps
- Kevin Chant walks through Using Azure DevOps Analytics views and Microsoft Fabric to create Sprint review reports
- Antti K. Koskela (@koskila) talks about Azure DevOps pipelines suddenly failing with error0 building with default instance using docker driver
- Thomas Thornton (@tamstar1234) blogs about Using Terraform Providers To Deploy Resources To Different Azure Subscriptions
Hybrid + Multicloud
Covering: Azure Arc, Azure Stack
- Zoran Rilak talks about Scenarios with private endpoints to Azure SQL Managed Instance
Covering: Azure Active Directory (AD), Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory Domain Services
- Gerasimos Alexiou describes How to implement Managed Identity on Service Fabric
- On episode 347 of the Microsoft Cloud IT Pro Podcast, Scott Hoag and Ben Stegink (@msclouditpro) are joined by Merill Fernando (@merill) to cover All your
- Ravikanth Chaganti (@ravikanth) blogs about Azure SDK for Go - Authentication methods - Chained Credentials
Covering: Azure API for FHIR, Event Grid, Logic Apps, Service Bus
- No content this week
Internet of Things
Covering: Azure Digital Twins, Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Edge, Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT solution accelerators, Azure Maps, Azure Sphere, Azure Time Series Insights, IoT DevKit, WildernessLabs, Windows 10 IoT Core Services
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Sphere Integrated Public Preview
Covering: Microsoft Certifications, Azure Certifications, Microsoft Learning Paths, Certification Pathway Information
- No content this week
Management and Governance
Covering: Automation, Azure Advisor, Azure Backup, Azure Blueprints, Azure Lighthouse, Azure Managed Applications, Azure mobile app, Azure Monitor, Azure Policy, Azure Resource Manager, Azure Service Health, Azure Site Recovery, Cloud Shell, Cost Management, Microsoft Azure portal, Scheduler, Azure Purview
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: Application Insights integration for the Azure Functions .NET worker
- The Azure Updates Team announces Public Preview: Azure Backup now supports Cross Region Restore for PostgreSQL backups
- Kyle Callahan writes about Further customize your SaaS and VM product plans in a private offer
- Mark Brimble (@BrimbleMark) explains how to Disable Azure Metric Alerts
- Panu Oksala explains How to Name Your Azure Resources
- Andrew Coughlin explains how to Move Backups In Recovery Service Vault From LRS/GRS To ZRS While Preserving The Data and how to Move backups in Recovery Service Vault from LRS/GRS to ZRS while not preserving the data
- Robert Smit (@Clustermvp) blogs about Move a Recovery Services vault across Azure subscriptions and resource group
Covering: Azure Media Player, Content Protection, Encoding, Live and On-Demand Streaming, Media Analytics, Media Services, Video Indexer
- No content this week
Covering: Azure Database Migration Service, Azure Migrate, Data Box
- Karla Escobar writes about General Availability: Azure DMS – Migrate MySQL user accounts and privileges
Covering: App Service (Mobile), Mobile apps, Notification Hubs, Visual Studio App Centre, Xamarin
- No content this week
Covering: Application Gateway, Azure Bastion, Azure DNS, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Firewall, Azure Firewall Manager, Azure Front Door, Azure Internet Analyzer, Azure Private Link, Content Delivery Network, Load Balancer, Network Watcher, Traffic Manager, Virtual Network, Virtual WAN, VPN Gateway, Web Application Firewall
- The Azure Updates Team announces General availability: New Monitoring and Logging Updates in Azure Firewall, and Public preview: New Monitoring and Logging Updates in Azure Firewall and Public preview: Azure VNet flow logs
- Suren Jamiyanaa talks about Azure Firewall: New Monitoring and Logging Updates and Azure Firewall: New Monitoring and Logging Updates
- Adarsh Venkataraman discusses Azure Elastic SAN updates: Private Endpoints & Shared Volumes
Covering: Azure DDoS Protection, Azure Information Protection, Azure Sentinel, Key Vault, Security Center
- Mukta Agarwal announces mobile device tagging for iOS and Android
- Loren Lachapelle writes about Latest functionalities uplevel asset management and enhance data visibility
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) talks about Mastering Azure Key Vault: An Informative Guide
- Vasavi Pasula explains how to Proactively secure your AWS Cloud Resources with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- Rudnei Oliveira walks through Implementing Microsoft Sentinel and Two simulated threats from scratch Then see Sentinel in action
Covering: Archive Storage, Avere vFXT for Azure, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure FXT Edge Filer, Azure HPC Cache, Azure NetApp Files, Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, Managed Disks, Queue Storage, Storage Accounts, Storage Explorer, StorSimple
- The Azure Updates Team writes about General Availability: Incremental snapshots for Premium SSD v2 Disk and Ultra Disk Storage
- The Azure Updates Team announces Public Preview: Azure NetApp Files Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines, and Public Preview: Azure Elastic SAN Updates: Private endpoints & shared volumes and Public Preview: Custom NFSv4.1 ID Domain in Azure NetApp Files
- Geert van Teylingen (@teylemans) covers SAP on Azure NetApp Files Sizing Best Practices
- Daniel Falkner blogs about Azure Storage Mover can now migrate your SMB shares to Azure file shares.
- Shailja Tripathi walks through Troubleshooting InvalidBlock Exception during upload operation
Covering: API apps, API Management, App Service (Web), Azure Cognitive Search, Azure SignalR Service, Azure Spring Cloud, Web apps
- Muhammad Samiullah blogs about Exploring the Synergy between Web Development and Artificial Intelligence: A Beginner's Guide
- Thomas Gauvin describes how to Access network isolated APIs and databases from Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Virtual Desktop
Covering: Azure Virtual Desktop
- Jason Parker announces FSLogix release changes and Windows multi-session updates in Azure Marketplace
Thought Leadership from endjin
- :television: Microsoft Fabric: Lakehouse and Medallion Architecture.
- :television: Microsoft Fabric Briefing - after 6 months of use on the private preview.
- :television: A 10 minute Tour Around Microsoft Fabric
- :chart_increasing: Power BI Maturity Quiz
- :megaphone: Azure Data Strategy Briefing
- :television: An overview of Reaqtor AKA Cloud Native Rx
- :television: Azure Synapse Database Templates in 10 Minutes
- :television: Accessible Data Storytelling with Power BI: Design Concepts and Accessible Colours
- :television: Data Storytelling with Power BI: The World Bank World Health and Wealth Report
- :television: Do Those Numbers Look Right?
- :television: Fake it 'til you make it - generating production quality test data at scale.
- :television: How to dynamically create SQL Serverless views from Azure Synapse Pipelines
- :television: How to test Azure Synapse notebooks
- :television: How to define business requirements for a successful cloud data & analytics project
- :television: Monetize APIs with Azure API Management Using Adyen
- :television: Monetize APIs with Azure API Management Using Stripe
- :television: Reaqtor - Reliable Rx at Scale for High-performance Event Processing
- :page_with_curl: Flex Your DevSecOps Muscles With Bicep - FREE cheat sheet.
- :television: How to safely reference a nullable activity output in Azure Synapse Pipelines and Azure Data Factory.
- :television: Building a secure data solution using Azure Data Lake Store.
- :television: Navigating the Bewildering Array of Data Services in Azure.
- :television: Data Exploration & Experimentation with Notebooks in Azure.
- :television: Detecting Anomalies in IoT Telemetry with Azure Synapse Analytics.
- :television: Azure Synapse - On-Demand Serverless Compute and Querying.
- :television: Unlocking Digital Transformation with Azure API Management - a training session from endjin, explaining what Digital Transformation is, and how to use Azure API Management to take your first steps. Three versions are available: 5 minute exec summary, 20 minute overview or 50 minute deep dive.
- How to plan your cloud transformation journey - an article explaining how you should use the various bits of thought leadership content from endjin to plan your cloud journey.
- API Maturity Matrix - a spreadsheet to help you assess your organization's ability to build, test, deploy, manage and monetize an API Platform.
- Azure Technology Selector - a flowchart which guides you through the process of choosing the best Azure service for your needs.
- Cloud Comparison Poster - a free poster, comparing the three major cloud platforms - Azure, AWS & Google Cloud Platform. For more information, see the accompanying blog series.
- Cloud Migration Process - a free poster, outlining our process for cloud adoption.
- Cloud Adoption: Risk & Mitigations - The Swiss Cheese Model - a free poster from endjin & Hymans Robertson outlining the risk and mitigations of adopting public cloud.
- Embracing Disruption: Financial Services & the Microsoft Cloud - a free ebooklet from endjin describing how companies in FS can take advantage of Azure.
Useful Links
- Azure Resource Inventory - Azure Resource Inventory is a powerful script written in PowerShell to generate an Excel report of any Azure Environment you have read access
- Azure Quickstart Templates - Learn how to deploy to Azure using ARM Templates. Over 850 examples in this repo.
- Azure CNAB Quickstarts Library - You can deploy to the Cloud, on Prem and on the Edge using CNAB & Porter. This library provides a number of quickstart templates to help you get started, fast!
- Power BI Weekly - Interested in Power BI? Sign up to our sister newsletter Power BI Weekly to receive all the week's Power BI news.
- Azure Resources - A fantastic collection of resources contained in this repo. Issue a PR if you have resources to share. Managed by Azure MVP Gregor Suttie.
- Azure Charts - Azure Charts is a set of auto-rebuilt charts to keep you updated on Azure changes, news, stats. Public updates, RSS channels and web pages are used as data sources
- The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure (2nd Edition) - ebook from Microsoft showcasing architectural approaches and common design patterns you face when building modern applications.
- Azure Virtual Datacenter - ebook from Microsoft highlighting an approach to isolation, security, and trust in the Microsoft cloud.
- Cyber Security Demystified - ebook from Microsoft describing how to keep your organisation safe.
- Microsoft's What is Azure poster - a visual overview of Azure's services and features.
- Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure - a free ebook from Microsoft Press, by Michael S. Collier and Robin E. Shahan.
- Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R - a free ebook on Azure Machine Learning, by Stephen F. Elston.
- Protecting Data in Microsoft Azure - a whitepaper that describes the various mechanism you can you can leverage for managing sensitive data in the Azure platform.
- Azure Architecture Center - guidance from the Patterns & Practices team covering API Design, API implementation, Autoscaling, Background jobs, CDN, Caching, Data partitioning, Monitoring and diagnostics, Retry, Scalability and availability.
- Azure Architect's Reference - if you are an architect responsible for building an application on Azure, or are trying to figure out how you could migrate an application and need to dig deep into the workload, cost, security, capacity, availability, deployment and operational modelling this invaluable resource should be your first stop. An open source project, with contributions from several experienced architects, it gathers data from many different references into a single, useful guide that is constantly updated by the community.
- Azure Table Storage Design Guide - a guide from the storage team.
- Azure infrastructure services implementation guidelines - key design and implementation guidelines for deploying an IT workload in Azure infrastructure services.
- Azure Speed Test - a simple web tool that measures the latency between you and Azure Datacenters to suggest which might be fastest for you location.
- Azure Websites Cheatsheet - everything you need to know about configuring & managing Azure Websites on a single page.
- Data Migration Assistant - enables you to upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality on your new version of SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. It recommends performance and reliability improvements for your target environment.
- Azure SQL DTU Calculator - a tool to help you determine the number of DTUs for your existing SQL Server database(s) as well as a recommendation of the minimum performance level and service tier that you need before you migrate to Azure SQL Database.
- Microsoft Azure Symbol/Icon Set - a set of Visio and PowerPoint shapes for use in architecture diagrams / presentations.
- Service Bus Explorer - a free and open source tool for managing and exploring Azure Service Bus(including Event Hubs).
- Best practices for designing Azure Resource Manager Templates - guidance based on the whitepaper 'World Class ARM Templates Considerations and Proven Practices'.
- Microsoft Cloud Networking for Enterprise Architects - a downloadable guide to Azure networking, covering topics such as cloud migration and networking for PaaS and SaaS services
- Whitepapers for Power BI - numerous whitepapers ranging various Power BI topics
- Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook - ebook from Microsoft, including use cases, hands-on steps, and tutorials for quickly configuring your own serverless environments.
- Executive Summary: Enterprise Cloud Strategy - executive summary of the 140-page e-book from Microsoft. Learn about the basics of adopting a cloud computing strategy for your enterprise.
- Migrating SQL Server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance—A Step-by-Step Guide - ebook from Microsoft providing breakdown of tactical steps for implementing a quick, simple, and low-impact data migration with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.
- Azure Backup Deep Dive Whitepaper - a deep dive by Adin Ermie and Charbel Nemnom describing Azure Backup
- Azure Stack: An extension of Azure - whitepaper from Microsoft detailing how you can extend Azure Stack to make Azure services available on-premises
- Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide - For Azure users - ebook from Microsoft outlining recommended general architecture and cloud design principles, DevOps, approaches to service management, and overall governance.
- Azure Data Factory: SSIS in the Cloud - eBook from Microsoft explaining why you would want to migrate your existing SSIS workloads to Azure Data Factory and addressing common considerations and concerns. Includes technical details of creating an Azure-SSIS IR and then walk-throughs of how to upload, execute, and monitor your packages through Azure Data Factory
- Parallel Virtual File Systems on Microsoft Azure - ebook from Microsoft documenting the results of a series of performance tests on Azure to see how scalable Lustre, GlusterFS, and BeeGFS are
- Build and deploy a multi-container application in Azure Service Fabric - ebook from Microsoft which shows how to create a sample multi-container application using ASP.NET Core and Docker and deploy it on an Azure Service Fabric cluster.
- Azure ebook/whitepaper resources - White papers, analyst reports, and e-books landing page with an abundance of extra resources.
- Farmer - This is a DSL for ARM template creation - "Making repeatable Azure deployments easy"!
- JillArmour
Community Manager
Andre_Heim wow, great info. Thanks for posting.