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Mar 27, 2020[ NEW ] Windows IT Pro: Getting started: Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based Azure portal
Getting started: Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based Azure portal
Windows Virtual Desktop can be a good fit for organizations seeking to enable remote work scenarios. As a result, the new Windows...
May 05, 2020Copper Contributor
Thank you for the great article. I was wondering if you had any help on 2 items:
I followed your previous article before the ARM based version was available. How do I go back and remove the old non-ARM tenant that I assume is still hanging around since I have now created a ARM base tenant. (I have already removed all of the VMs and other objects associated with the old one, just not the old tenant itself and the principle service account that went with it)
On the new ARM based article, I didn't notice any steps to give users the ability to use the full desktop (not RemoteApps). I ask because I have gone through the steps of adding users to the default application group that is setup when you create a pool, but none of those users have access to the desktop. So I assume I am missing something. Image 1 shows that users are assigned in the desktop pool. Image 2 shows one of those same users getting a no resources available message.
May 06, 2020Copper Contributor
DustinHannon Christiaan_Brinkhoff I am having the same issue. I can only publish apps, no full desktops