Forum Discussion

Ken_Shep's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 13, 2024

Azure AVD and Windows Updates with Azure Update Manager

I'm running a small and new setup with Azure AVD using Windows 11 Enterprise Multi-session + Office365 and FSLogix.  My AVD host pool has 2 VMs and 5 assigned users with eventually 10 assigned users.  I created a golden image that contains my custom apps and settings and my host pool is based on this image, which was based on the Microsoft standard image.


My question is regarding updating the VMs within the AVD host pool with Microsoft security updates.  I know that if I need to apply or install custom applications, I need to deploy a new image.  However, if I simply need to apply Microsoft Windows security updates, is it ok to use Azure Update Manager from within the Azure portal at the VM level for AVD VMs?  I don't use Intune or Microsoft Configuration Manager.   The Azure Update Manager appears to be somewhat new and replacing Update Management and the Log Analytics agent based on the notice within the Azure Update Manager site.


Thanks for any input.



  • marc_kuhn's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Hey Ken
    we are also building a new environment but for more users. I can highly recommend to use Hydra for AVD which you can use to schedule Windows Updates as well. I can't think about AVD without it. For small environments till 6 sessionhosts its free, you just pay the resources 👌
    • Ken_Shep's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      My on-prem devices simply use standard scheduled Windows Updates using a GPO to apply the settings for the scheduling. But with Azure AVD, I don't think I can continue with simply using this GPO type setup. The Azure Update Manager has scheduling and policy-based updating, which is really all I need. But I don't know if Azure Update Manager is supported with AVD host pools and Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session host VMs.
