Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2025Copper Contributor
Disable/Enable option for RemoteApp
It is one of the basic requirements to enable and disable a published App through Application group or Individual RemoteApp. This can save a lot of time when we need testing or troubleshoot issues wi...
Feb 03, 2025Iron Contributor
Currently, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) does not have a built-in option to enable/disable individual RemoteApps within an Application Group. However, you can achieve this functionality using Azure CLI or PowerShell by modifying the assigned applications dynamically.
Workarounds to Enable/Disable RemoteApp in AVD:
1. Remove or Add RemoteApp from Application Group (Disable/Enable)
Disable (Remove RemoteApp):
az desktopvirtualization application delete --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --application-group-name <AppGroupName> --name <AppName>
Enable (Re-add RemoteApp):
az desktopvirtualization application create --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --application-group-name <AppGroupName> --name <AppName> --file-path "C:\Program Files\<AppPath>.exe"
2. Update Assignments (Remove/Assign Users Dynamically)
Disable RemoteApp for a user (Remove access)
saz desktopvirtualization user-session delete --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --session-host <SessionHostName> --user-session-id <SessionID>
Enable RemoteApp for a user (Reassign access)
az role assignment create --assignee <UserEmail> --role "Desktop Virtualization User" --scope /subscriptions/<SubID>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationGroups/<AppGroupName>
3. Use PowerShell to Temporarily Disable RemoteApp
You can disable a RemoteApp by setting its ShowInPortal property to false:
pSet-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName "<TenantName>" -HostPoolName "<HostPoolName>" -AppGroupName "<AppGroupName>" -Name "<AppName>" -ShowInPortal $false
To enable it again, set ShowInPortal to true.