Forum Discussion
Christopher Anderson
Mar 26, 2019Copper Contributor
Error: User is not authorized to query the management service
When following the directions below, I always run into an error related to querying the management service.
Apr 13, 2019Copper Contributor
I have suffered from this not matter what I have tried I have tried every step even with someone watching over my should and double checkin my work. Must have tried and failed 40 times, and that included rebuilding a new principle tearing down tenants etc... I was doing it because our domains have MFA. I finally said I am just going to try that link that says to Create Host Pool with Powershell. Was done in 15 minutes.... The SPN/APP needs help. Also, order of Docs seems very off to me. Link to PowerShell build of Hostpool Create a host pool with PowerShell
Apr 17, 2019ccbrownkc : What would be the preferred order to help complete the onboarding?