Forum Discussion
Stefan Georgiev
Dec 14, 2020MSIX app attach Azure portal integration public preview
MSIX app attach is an application layering solution that allows you to dynamically attach an application (that is an MSIX package) to a user session. Separating the application from the operating sys...
Sep 27, 2021Copper Contributor
I am getting an error while creating the vhdx file for the software like textpad or Visual studio 2013. Error: Failed to load applyacls.dll. Please confirm the dll is next to this exe. ApplyACLs should only be used for setting up a Windows Virtual Desktop. Finished unpacking packages to: F:\TPad2021 (This is for Textpad) [WARNING] The following packages from Textpad_8.8.1.0_x64__22qe32n2bs3cw.msix failed to get unpacked. Please try again: Failed with HRESULT 0x8007007e when trying to unpack Textpad_8.8.1.0_x64__22qe32n2bs3cw.msix
Similar error for VS2013 as well.
I have ensured the msixmgr.exe and ApplyACLs.dll files are on same path. C:\MSIXAppattach\
Commands below:
New-VHD -SizeBytes 4096MB -Path C:\MSIXAppAttach\Textpad2021.vhdx -Dynamic -Confirm:$false $vhdObject = Mount-VHD c:\MSIXappattach\Textpad2021.vhdx -Passthru
$disk = Initialize-Disk -Passthru -Number $vhdObject.Number
$partition = New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize -DiskNumber $disk.Number
Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false -DriveLetter $partition.DriveLetter -Force
.\msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath Textpad_8.8.1.0_x64__22qe32n2bs3cw.msix -destination “F:\TPad2021” -applyacls
- hovakannAug 12, 2022Copper Contributor
quantumRay ; Stefan Georgiev getting the same failure